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陶喆 - All For Joy

All For Joy 演唱:陶喆,关诗敏 人生是一条漫长路 想要赢就不能怕输 在起跑点上 不准缺席 全力出击 想到你曾经对我说过 好的机会绝不能错过 把握着你始终的热情 Got sun m>im>n my eyes, got wm>im>nd m>im>n my sam>im>ls, the future at my feet The be...

歌手:陶喆 专辑:再见你好吗 感谢 D.J. 分享
Lm>im>l’B - キミに歌ったラブソング(Englm>im>sh ver.)

...黒光雄輝 歌∶Lm>im>l’B your name was fm>im>llm>im>ng up my memory m>im>ncomm>im>ng calls m>im>ncomm>im>ng mam>im>l m>Im> see you everywhere m>Im> just rolled my eyes m>im>n dm>im>sbelm>im>ef but to tell the truth m>Im> loved the way you do all the thm>im>ngs m>Im> trm>im>ed all the thm>im>ngs m>Im> crm>im>ed you would always lm>im>sten for me m>Im> just want you to know every...

歌手:Lm>im>l’B 专辑:ナミダラブレター
Pm>im>nk - Mm>im>ssundaztood

...m>im>ng for the rm>im>ght track. Always on the wrong track. But are you catchm>im>ng all these tracks. That m>Im>m laym>im>ng down for you. There s a song m>Im> was lm>im>stenm>im>ng to. Up all nm>im>ght. There s a vom>im>ce m>Im> m hearm>im>ng. sym>im>ng m>im>ts alrm>im>ght. When m>Im> m happy m>Im> am sad. But everythm>im>ng s good. m>Im>t’s not that complm>im>cat...

Evanescence - All That m>Im>’m Lm>im>vm>im>ng For

<font face="宋体" sm>im>ze=2> <p>ADODB.Stream</font> <font face="宋体" sm>im>ze=2 > 错误 '800a0bba'</font> <p> <font face="宋体" sm>im>ze=2>文件无法被打开。</font> <p> <font face="宋体" sm>im>ze=2>/ _red/tolrc_num.asp</font><font face="宋体" sm>im>ze=2>,行20</font>

Dead By Aprm>im>l - Losm>im>ng You

...hat m>Im>?m havm>im>ng you do m>Im> am lost m>im>n pam>im>n wm>im>thout you So cold. So alone All m>Im> have m>im>s you m>im>t m>im>s all that m>Im>`m wam>im>tm>im>ng for All m>Im> need m>im>s you Now m>Im> can make m>im>t through All the nm>im>ghts m>Im> prayed Mostly saby and true m>Im> am not prepared to be strong m>Im> just can't belm>im>ve m>Im> am losm>im>ng you Not prep...

歌手:Dead By Aprm>im>l 专辑:Dead By Aprm>im>l
Brandy - Camouflage

... every hour And god knows m>Im> am>im>n’t perfect Tell me who m>im>n the world m>im>s All m>Im> know m>im>s that m>Im>’m searchm>im>ng For somebody to love me wm>im>th These flaws m>Im>’ve got They're a apart of who m>Im> am Take me, all nm>im>ght And m>Im> fm>im>nally understand m>Im>’m so done trym>im>ng to be everythm>im>ng you want And m>Im> have t...

歌手:Brandy 专辑:Human
Jessm>im>ca Sm>im>mpson - m>Im> Thm>im>nk m>Im>’m m>Im>n Love Wm>im>th You

... you m>Im>n love, boy m>Im> thm>im>nk that m>Im>’m m>im>n love wm>im>th you m>Im>’ve been tellm>im>n all my frm>im>ends what m>Im> feel for you Just the other nm>im>ght baby, m>Im> saw you hangm>im>n You were wm>im>th your crew m>Im> was wm>im>th mm>im>ne too You took me by surprm>im>se When you turn and look me m>im>n my eyes Boy you really blow my mm>im>nd m>Im> don...

歌手:Jessm>im>ca Sm>im>mpson 专辑:Sweet Km>im>sses
Wm>im>thm>im>n Temptatm>im>on - Frozen (demo versm>im>on)

lrcgc.com 制作 Sm>im>ngle:All m>Im> Need CDM Wm>im>thm>im>n Temptatm>im>on-Frozen (Demo Versm>im>on) m>Im> can’t feel my senses m>Im> just feel the cold All colors seem to fade away m>Im> can’t reach my soul m>Im> would stop runnm>im>ng, m>Im>f knew there was a chance m>Im>t tears me apart to sacrm>im>fm>im>ce m>im>t all but m>Im>’m...

歌手:Wm>im>thm>im>n Temptatm>im>on 专辑:All m>Im> Need
Tm>im>ft Merrm>im>tt - m>Im> Know What m>Im>'m Lookm>im>ng For Now

...s lookm>im>ng, they’re not sure at what, Holdm>im>ng onto m>im>llusm>im>ons lm>im>ke m>im>t’s all that they got, Puttm>im>ng a mystery where a mystery m>im>s not, Can you tell me why? When you can lm>im>ght up a stranger just passm>im>ng by, Start revolutm>im>ons wm>im>th the glm>im>nt m>im>n your eye, Sm>im>ng Hallelujah wm>im>th a breath or a sm>im>gh ...

歌手:Tm>im>ft Merrm>im>tt 专辑:Another Country
Madonna - Crazy For You

...e once and you''ll know m>im>t''s true m>Im> never wanted anyone lm>im>ke thm>im>s m>Im>t''s all brand new, you''ll feel m>im>t m>im>n my km>im>ss m>Im>''m crazy for you, crazy for you crazy for you! Trym>im>ng hard to control my heart m>Im> walk over to where you are Eye to eye we need no words at all Slowly now we begm>im>n to move Eve...

歌手:Madonna 专辑:Take a bow
黄莺莺 - Crazy For You

... me once and you''ll know m>im>t''s true m>Im> never wanted anyone lm>im>ke thm>im>s m>Im>t''s all brand new' you''ll feel m>im>t m>im>n my km>im>ss m>Im>''m crazy for you' crazy for you crazy for you! Trym>im>ng hard to control my heart m>Im> walk over to where you are Eye to eye we need no words at all Slowly now we begm>im>n to move Every brea...

歌手:黄莺莺 专辑:似曾相识(西洋情歌精选)
Hey Monday - Homecomm>im>ng

...g home, m>Im>’m comm>im>ng home Dm>im>d you take off whm>im>le m>Im> was gone? m>Im> mm>im>ssed m>im>t all, m>Im> messed you up, m>Im> mm>im>ssed you m>Im>’m comm>im>ng home, m>Im> wanna know When all the leaves begm>im>n to fall m>Im>f m>Im>’m fallm>im>ng, fallm>im>ng apart for you Descendm>im>ng, m>Im>’m spm>im>nnm>im>ng Lost all defense How could you swallow me agam>im>n? ...

歌手:Hey Monday 专辑:Hold On Tm>im>ght
Jessm>im>ca Sm>im>mpson - m>Im> Thm>im>nk m>Im>m m>Im>n Love Wm>im>th You

... you m>Im>n love, boy m>Im> thm>im>nk that m>Im>’m m>im>n love wm>im>th you m>Im>’ve been tellm>im>n all my frm>im>ends what m>Im> feel for you Just the other nm>im>ght baby, m>Im> saw you hangm>im>n You were wm>im>th your crew m>Im> was wm>im>th mm>im>ne too You took me by surprm>im>se When you turn and look me m>im>n my eyes Boy you really blow my mm>im>nd m>Im> don...

歌手:Jessm>im>ca Sm>im>mpson 专辑:Sweet Km>im>sses
John Denver - m>Im>’m Sorry

...g else m>Im>'m sorry for myself 'Cause you're not here wm>im>th me Our frm>im>ends all ask about you m>Im> say you're dom>im>ng fm>im>ne And m>Im> expect to hear from you almost anytm>im>me But they all know m>Im>'m crym>im>ng And m>Im> can't sleep at nm>im>ght They all know m>Im>'m dym>im>ng down deep m>im>nsm>im>de m>Im>'m sorry for all the lm>im>es m>Im> told y...

歌手:John Denver
Fether - Tm>im>des

...am through bedroom base When the summer’s carrm>im>ed us away We'd be rm>im>dm>im>ng all these choppy waves For so long We sam>im>l, wanna gravm>im>tate away m>Im>t's tm>im>me to say to say the thm>im>ngs we could’ve sam>im>d Now we, we can’t remember Choose or surrender [Chorus] You can fm>im>nd me m>Im>’m hm>im>dm>im>ng Under the covers o...

歌手:Fether 专辑:Tm>im>des
Nelly - Dm>im>lemma (Feat. Kelly Rowland)

...ou and m>Im> need you Nelly, m>Im> love you, m>Im> do Need you No matter what m>Im> do All m>Im> thm>im>nk about m>im>s you Even when m>Im>’m wm>im>th my Boo Boy, you know m>Im>’m crazy over you No matter what m>Im> do All m>Im> thm>im>nk about m>im>s you Even when m>Im>’m wm>im>th my Boo You know m>Im>’m crazy over you m>Im> met thm>im>s chm>im>ck and she ju...

歌手:Nelly 专辑:6 Derrty Hm>im>ts
Madonna - m>Im>’m So Stupm>im>d

...adzam>im> 'Cause m>Im> used to lm>im>ve m>Im>n a fuzzy dream And m>Im> wanted to be Lm>im>ke all the pretty people m>Im>'m so stupm>im>d 'Cause m>Im> used to lm>im>ve m>Im>n a fuzzy dream And m>Im> used to belm>im>eve m>Im>n a pretty pm>im>ctures That were all around me But now m>Im> know for sure That m>Im> was stupm>im>d Please don't try to tempt me...

歌手:Madonna 专辑:Amerm>im>can Lm>im>fe
Boyzone - Good Conversatm>im>on

...ys And everybody''s trym>im>ng to work m>im>t out m>im>n dm>im>fferent ways m>Im> don''t really need to know your aspm>im>ratm>im>ons What m>Im> need from you babe m>Im>s good conversatm>im>on To put my mm>im>nd at ease An old frm>im>end called the other day And wasn''t qum>im>te sure what to say Dm>im>dn''t seem to know me anymore And ...

歌手:Boyzone 专辑:Where we belong
名取香り - 『For m>Im>sla Bonm>im>ta』 ...素敵な島へ

...香り 专辑:Perfume 作詞: Natorm>im> Kaorm>im> 作曲: Shm>im>ro Sagm>im>su You all rm>im>ght 永遠なんてないの m>Im>’m all rm>im>ght そう解ってるけど 行きたいんだ 愛だけのso crazyな世界へ 貴方を誘って other world Te qum>im>ero じゃれあうように Te amo 愛してた...

歌手:名取香り 专辑:Perfume
恭硕良 - 如果

...eason for you to scream and to the shout M?e m>Im>t’s not for communm>im>catm>im>ons all about Woo … woo… woo…woo…woo…woo… 如果真可以重头嚟过 (如果我可以重头嚟过) 如果真可以重头嚟过 (如果我可以重头嚟过) 如果真可以重头嚟过 来帮我温功课 ...

歌手:恭硕良 专辑:Rehab