ナオトインティライミ - Unbelm>im>evable
...ok m>im>nto the clouds above they take me even hm>im>gher gm>im>ve me another round of m>thatm> even now we sm>im>ng Unbelm>im>evable 風吹き荒れる Mm>im>racle この夜の奇跡 wa-m>im>-e-o Unbelm>im>evable まばたきしたら Spm>im>rm>im>tual 宇宙へ飛んだ wa-m>im>-e-o Unbelm>im>evable Lrc By Vm>Im>NE ★ www.lrcgc.com 終わり
Soulja Boy Tellem - Booty Meat
...t Me See How You Pop
m>Im>m Ya Gurl Best Frm>im>end Let Me See How You Hop
Put m>Thatm> Thang m>Im>n The Am>im>r Then Make m>Im>t Drop
(Verse 2:)
Gurl B Double O-T-Y-M-E A T You Know m>Im>t Dats Dat Bootymeat
m>Im> Got A Car Full Of Gm>im>rls And We Makm>im>n A Creep
Soulja Boy Up m>Im>n Thm>im>s Thang Puttm>im>n Shawty To Sl...
歌手:Soulja Boy Tellem
Fort Mm>im>nor - Remember the Name
...r the mm>im>c
he feels so unlm>im>ke every body else, alone
m>im>n spm>im>te of the fact m>thatm> some people stm>im>ll thm>im>nk m>thatm> they know hm>im>m
but Fuck em
he knows the code:
m>im>ts not about the salary, m>im>ts m>allm> about realm>im>ty
and makm>im>ng some nom>im>se
makm>im>ng the story
makm>im>ng sure hm>im>s clm>im>que stays up
m>thatm> means when he p...
歌手:Fort Mm>im>nor
专辑:The Rm>im>sm>im>ng Tm>im>ed
ALTm>Im>MA - CYBER CYBER (Album ver.)
...ddy makes some massm>im>ve nom>im>se Go-Go-Go-Go, Wm>im>th the flow, come on You know m>thatm> your rm>im>sk m>im>s mm>im>nm>im>mum, m>Im> can rap m>im>t faster than any man What you got to do m>im>s clm>im>ck my name, Check m>im>t out my specm>im>al wm>im>llm>im>e bounce Wm>im>ggle wm>im>ggle m>im>t wm>im>th the beat, Make you body move and groove on the floor You see m>thatm> su...
罗依&田鑫 - 我说你好,你说bye
... to my baby thm>im>s song for you,can”t you see? terrm>im>ble and sweer memorm>im>es m>thatm>\"s m>allm> m>im>\"m takm>im>ng wm>im>th me we both know m>im>\"m not what you need evertm>im>me baby dm>im>d you mm>im>ss me? m>im> don't know what thm>im>s m>im>s why won't you release me? 副歌:(女主男和) 我说你好你说bye 复杂的心思真的...
狄易达 - Mm>im>ss H.K (Feat. Gold Mountam>im>n)
...s the start of the of the sound when we meet feet to feet
And the Shuffle m>thatm> we do m>im>s the Snare m>thatm> we’re m>im>n
Cause you just won’t let me m>im>n (Put your guard Down)
But you deserve me and m>Im> deserve you
And you can serve me but m>Im> won’t serve you
Now m>Im>’m just km>im>ddm>im>ng lm>im>ke m>thatm>, m>Im> know you...
专辑:Just Go
Mae - Boomerang
...re not comm>im>ng back
And m>Im> wm>im>sh m>Im> never km>im>ssed you
so what do you thm>im>nk of m>thatm>?
What dm>im>d m>Im> get myself m>im>nto?
m>Im>n the back of my mm>im>nd there wm>im>ll always be the catch and the throw away
But thm>im>s moment's got me thm>im>nkm>im>ng m>Im> could reach you
And m>Im>'m wakm>im>ng up alone and echo the song sung yesterday
and ...
罗依&田鑫 - 我说你好你说bye
... to my baby thm>im>s song for you,can”t you see? terrm>im>ble and sweer memorm>im>es m>thatm>"s m>allm> m>im>"m takm>im>ng wm>im>th me we both know m>im>"m not what you need evertm>im>me baby dm>im>d you mm>im>ss me? m>im> don’t know what thm>im>s m>im>s why won’t you release me? 副歌:我说你好你说bye 复杂的心思真的懒得猜 我说你...
Jennm>im>fer Hudson - What's Wrong (Go Away) (Feat. T-Pam>im>n)
...g m>Im> am>im>nt never felt before
And m>im>t came from you (And m>im>t came from me)
So m>thatm> means you can make m>im>t go away make m>im>t go away
And m>Im> don’t lm>im>ke
The way you’ve been hangm>im>ng around wm>im>th your face on the ground
What’s the deal?
Can you make m>im>t go away? Make m>im>t go away
What’s wrong wm>im>th my b...
歌手:Jennm>im>fer Hudson
专辑:Jennm>im>fer Hudson
melody. - Be as one
... show you the way
誰もが みんな
m>Thatm>’s why we’re here
m>Im> can feel m>im>t growm>im>n’ growm>im>n’ m>im>n me
なぜ泣くの? どんな意味?
come on...come on...
Thm>im>nk m>Im> love you more andmore everyday
专辑:Be as one
Belle and Sebastm>im>an - Another Sunny Day
...y over to the penm>im>nsula
We found the avenue of trees went up to the hm>im>ll
m>Thatm> crazy avenue of trees, m>Im>’m lm>im>vm>im>ng there stm>im>ll
There’s somethm>im>ng m>im>n my eye a lm>im>ttle mm>im>dge so begum>im>lm>im>ng
Sacrm>im>fm>im>ced hm>im>s lm>im>fe to brm>im>ng us both eye to eye
m>Im> heard the Eskm>im>mos remove obstructm>im>ons wm>im>th tongues, dear
歌手:Belle and Sebastm>im>an
专辑:The Lm>im>fe Pursum>im>t
Dm>im>ana Vm>im>ckers - Lm>im>ghtnm>im>ng Strm>im>kes
...m>im>ghtnm>im>ng Strm>im>kes - Dm>im>ana Vm>im>ckers.Sm>im>ttm>im>ng m>im>n the back sm>im>ttm>im>ng m>im>n the cap m>im>n m>thatm> old cap dayMakm>im>ng the lm>im>st and run some’for tonm>im>ght when m>Im> DJm>Im> watch the mornm>im>ng rm>im>ng, day tunes m>im>n the wm>im>ndow planeSo m>Im> pm>im>ck up my bags m>Im>’m headm>im>ng to the doorm>Im> make a run for m>im>t before the next sampleAnd m>Im> spm>im>ll my...
歌手:Dm>im>ana Vm>im>ckers
专辑:Musm>im>c To Make Boys Cry (Deluxe Edm>im>tm>im>on)
Chrm>im>s Brown - Forever
...r maybes
m>Im>’m releasm>im>ng my heart
m>Im>ts feelm>im>ng amazm>im>ng
No one else m>thatm> matter
You love me
And m>Im> won’t let you fm>allm> gm>im>rl' let you fm>allm> gm>im>rl
Oh' oh' yea' yea
m>Im> won’t let you fm>allm>' let you fm>allm>' let you fm>allm>
Oh' oh' yeah' yeah' yeah' yeah'
m>Im>t's lm>im>ke m>Im> wam>im>ted my whole ...
歌手:Chrm>im>s Brown
专辑:Promo Only Urban Radm>im>o May 200
Cram>im>g Davm>im>d - You Don't Mm>im>ss Your Water (Tm>im>l The Well Runs Dry)
...m>im>s growm>im>ng stronger
You can cm>allm> me whenever from wherever
Just remember m>thatm>
m>Im>'ll be there
Through m>allm> the stormy weather
Us break up never
No we'll be together
You don't mm>im>ss your water 'tm>im>l the well runs dry
But m>Im> belm>im>eve so strongly m>im>n you and m>Im>
Can somebody answer me the quest...
歌手:Cram>im>g Davm>im>d
专辑:Greatest Hm>im>ts
Mary J. Blm>im>ge - Shakedown featurm>im>ng Usher
Boy, m>Im> wm>im>ll be your frm>im>end forever.
Well, gone and leave me m>thatm> heart and you can get mm>im>ne.
[Mary J. Blm>im>ge:]
m>Im> gonna be your baby tonm>im>ght.
m>Im>f you're m>im>n the dark m>Im>'ll gm>im>ve you some lm>im>ght.
Cause m>allm> you need m>im>s my love.
m>Im>'m tell you what's up.
So just make room for love...
歌手:Mary J. Blm>im>ge
专辑:Growm>im>ng Pam>im>ns
Dragonette - Black Lm>im>mousm>im>ne
Evenm>im>ng jacket
He bought me thm>im>s
m>Im> wanted pm>im>nk but m>Im> took red m>im>nstead
m>Thatm>'s m>allm> they had
And hm>im>s phone rang and he sam>im>d
"m>Im>'m sorry baby you caught me at a bad tm>im>me, m>Im>'m entertam>im>nm>im>ng
A woman wm>im>th taste and a gm>im>rl wm>im>th true ambm>im>tm>im>on
But m>Im> would rem>allm>y lm>im>ke the two of us to talk"
And m>Im> got m>im>...
Sabaton - The Art of War (Lm>im>ve At the Sa
... the Sa - Sabatonm>Im> stand aloneAnd gaze upon the battlefm>im>eldWastelandm>Im>s m>allm> m>thatm>'s left after the fm>im>ghtAnd m>Im>'m searchm>im>ng a new way to defeat my enemyBloodshedm>Im>'ve seen enough of death and pam>im>nm>Im> wm>im>ll run - they wm>im>ll hunt meThen m>Im> wm>im>ll hm>im>de - they wm>im>ll searchm>im>ngm>Im> regroup - they retreatm>Im> wm>im>ll wm>im>n ...
专辑:World War Lm>im>ve: Battle of the Baltm>im>c Sea
Westlm>im>fe - What m>Im> want m>im>s what m>Im>ve got
m>Allm> m>thatm> m>Im> want
m>Im>n my lm>im>fe
m>Im>s the feelm>im>ng of peace
Deep wm>im>thm>im>n me truly
m>Im> took a chance
m>Im> let go
m>Im> promm>im>sed myself
m>Thatm> m>im>t wouldn’t scare me
Mm>im>racles appear m>Im> know
Now m>Im> an see m>im>t show
’Cause m>Im>
Found out what m>Im> dreamt of
And m>Im> looked m>im>t up
At thm>im>s very moment
What m>Im> want m>im>...
Nelly - CG 2
... MTV
Errry, gaga, they cm>allm> me Dada
The rookm>im>e wanna sm>im>gnm>im>n' bonus for m>thatm> pu nada
But my, salary cap won't m>allm>ow me to gm>im>ve a nada
m>Im> guess she be a free agent untm>im>l she fm>im>nd anotha'
Cm>allm> m>im>t fresh, for the D's on my ATVs
And m>im>f m>Im> squeeze nm>im>ggas fm>allm>m>im>n' lm>im>ke they last name Keys
Shout Out Louds - Where You Come m>Im>n
...e You Come m>Im>nSoon m>Im>’ll be on my wayTm>im>me m>im>s on my sm>im>de, m>Im>’m blowm>im>ng awaym>Thatm>’s where you come m>im>nYou come m>im>nm>Im> never wanted m>im>tAnd m>Im> never forced you upon m>im>tm>Im> never wanted m>im>tAnd m>Im> never forced you upon m>im>tSometm>im>mes you gm>im>ve, sometm>im>mes you take a lm>im>ttle too muchSometm>im>mes not enough, not enoughSometm>im>...
歌手:Shout Out Louds