Plm>im>es - Famm>im>ly Stram>im>ght
...C by lzh ,from jm>im>angxm>im> pm>im>ngxm>im>ang
@ www.lrcgc.com @
You kno sum people tm>thatm> say money change erre thang
m>Im> 'm hear to say money don't change erre muthafuckm>im>n thm>im>ng
Last ten years momma been workm>im>n' twm>im>ce a day
Grandma on a km>im>dney machm>im>ne, she done lost m>allm> the wem>im>ght,
My auntm>im>e got Am>Im>DS, she ...
专辑:Da Realm>im>st
黄宇希 - 狠心的交叉
...望你像从前 相拥面对面 你却在一息间变迁 m>Im> gave you m>allm> m>thatm> m>Im>’ve got Tm>im>ll m>Im> have nothm>im>ng left for myself m>Im> don’t wanna hate myself So m>Im>’m lettm>im>ng you go Goodbye 歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.com 歌词编辑:宅之轩 QQ:45553904
Brm>im>ght Lm>im>ght Brm>im>ght Lm>im>ght - Feel m>Im>t
...at m>Im> was harbourm>im>ng (m>im>t’s cm>allm>ed desm>im>re)Just enough to let myself belm>im>evem>thatm> m>Im>’m m>im>n love (and walk your way)m>Thatm> you’re the lm>im>ght and m>Im> want to see m>im>tm>Thatm> you’re the heat and m>Im> want to feel m>im>tSo gm>im>ve me somethm>im>ng to dream about,be the reason the lm>im>ghts go outGm>im>ve me somethm>im>ng to scream abou...
歌手:Brm>im>ght Lm>im>ght Brm>im>ght Lm>im>ght
专辑:Make Me Belm>im>eve m>im>n Hope
Lm>im>ttle Jackm>im>e - LOL
...wrm>im>tes back, ‘dawg, you blew up your spot
You’re talkm>im>ng bout a text m>thatm> m>Im> never got
Who thm>im>s gm>im>rl you’re talkm>im>ng to?
Who thm>im>s gm>im>rl who comm>im>ng through?
You’re messm>im>n wm>im>th somebody else
Nm>im>gga, you just played yourself’
m>Im> text your celly
Gotta spell out: Go to hell
歌手:Lm>im>ttle Jackm>im>e
专辑:The Stoop
Butch Walker - Ponce De Lone Ave
www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作
m>Im> woke up on Sunday mornm>im>ng
Wm>im>th a shoe m>thatm> was not mm>im>ne
Let the taxm>im> on the corner drm>im>ve away
So m>Im> walked up Ponce de Leon
Wm>im>th my lm>im>ps m>allm> caked m>im>n wm>im>ne
But my nm>im>ght clothes m>im>n the day tm>im>me
Gave me away
And m>Im> don’t want to remember
But m>Im> don’t want to...
歌手:Butch Walker
专辑:Sycamore Meadows
lm>im>mp bm>im>zkm>im>t - Take A Look Around
...tay on top or lm>im>fe'll km>im>ck you m>im>n the ass
Follow me m>im>nto a solo
Remember m>thatm>, km>im>d, so whatcha wanna do
And where ya gonna run when your starm>im>'n down the cable of my mm>im>c
Pom>im>nted at yo grm>im>ll lm>im>ke a gun
Lm>im>mp Bm>im>zkm>im>t m>im>s rockm>im>n' the set
m>Im>t's lm>im>ke russm>im>an roulette when you're placm>im>n' your bet
So do...
歌手:lm>im>mp bm>im>zkm>im>t
Usher - Appetm>im>te
...ate at nm>im>ght m>Im> fm>im>nd m>im>t hard to sleep,
Stay strugglm>im>ng wm>im>th the part of me m>thatm> wants to run the streets,
My Mac m>im>s m>im>n my backpack, m>Im>'m surfm>im>ng on the sm>im>tes,
m>Im>'m chattm>im>ng, thm>im>s am>im>n't cheatm>im>ng, jus tellm>im>ng myself a lm>im>e,
And m>im>t's almost lm>im>ke m>Im>'m caught up and lm>im>vm>im>ng another lm>im>fe,
Man m>Im>'m hungry fo...
专辑:Here m>Im> Stand
Julm>im>anne Hough - About Lm>im>fe
...ead ends, some bumps along the way
Some never should’ve been boyfrm>im>ends m>thatm> ended m>im>n heartache
But m>Im> stm>im>ll try to see the brm>im>ghter sm>im>de
What goes up don’t always come back down
What goes around don’t always come around
m>Im>’ve been down on my knees beggm>im>n’ the lord
The devm>im>l’s been k...
歌手:Julm>im>anne Hough
专辑:Audm>im>o Daydream
Chante Moore - Can't Do m>Im>t
... www.lrcgc.comCan't Do m>Im>t - Chante MooreHey babym>Im> was just cm>allm>m>im>ng to say m>thatm> m>Im> love youBut sometm>im>mes m>Im> rem>allm>y don't knowwhat to do wm>im>th youm>Im> take m>im>t personalWhen he don't answer my cm>allm>s andm>Im> get an attm>im>tude thenm>Im>t be lm>im>ke m>Im> rem>allm>y hate hm>im>mButHe am>im>n't perfectBut he's so perfect for mem>Im> know m>thatm> t...
歌手:Chante Moore
专辑:Love The Woman
孙燕姿 - Someone(Lm>im>ve) - lm>im>ve
...ng & shm>im>nm>im>ng you sam>im>d you can't belm>im>eve how could walk our m>thatm> door or walk along the streets you told me m>Im> should you know do some bm>im>ng bang curly wurly afro thm>im>ng m>Im> took your word & dm>im>d looked m>im>n my mm>im>rror who's m>thatm> freak why does the...
专辑:Start 世界巡回演唱会
Kendrm>im>ck Lamar - The Heart Part 4
...m>im>sfm>im>ed when m>Im> strategm>im>ze my km>im>d's future
m>Im> am>im>n't sanctm>im>fm>im>ed enough to say m>thatm> m>Im> won't shoot ya
m>Im> done vandalm>im>zed the m>im>ndustry full cm>im>rcum>im>t
The earthm>im>est slash thm>im>rstm>im>est nm>im>gga you know versus thm>im>s
Scum of a land m>thatm> transcends two surfaces
The rm>im>cher the poorer the bm>im>gger the pm>im>cture
The mor...
歌手:Kendrm>im>ck Lamar
专辑:The Heart Part 4
感谢 向阳坡上 分享
何欣穗 - 我们快乐地向前走(the death)
...向前走 The day you come home safe and sound m>Im>’ll probably say m>thatm>, would you care for a coffee or tea? thank you, after m>allm> what m>Im>’ve done, you say then someday you would do m>im>t agam>im>n, m>Im>’ll be ready 何欣穗 - 我们快乐地向前走 hello, goodbye, to dream or fm>im>ght, you a...
Emm>im>nem - My Dad's Gone Crazy
There's no mountam>im>n m>Im> can't clm>im>mb
There's no tower too hm>im>gh,
No plane m>thatm> m>Im> can't learn how to fly
What do m>Im> gotta do to get through to you, destroy you
There am>im>n't nothm>im>n' m>Im> can't take thm>im>s cham>im>nsaw to
*Ham>im>lm>im>e Makes Cham>im>nsaw Sound*
Fuckm>im>n' bram>im>n's brawn, and brass bm>allm>s
m>Im> cut 'em off, m>Im> ...
专辑:The Emm>im>nem Show
D-12 - Loyalty
...about you m>im>f we am>im>n't famm>im>ly?
m>Im> roll wm>im>th a chosen few, and those of you m>thatm>'s behm>im>nd me
Wm>im>tness the most potest' furocm>im>ous nm>im>ggas m>thatm> rhyme
These bm>im>tches turn they back on you, actm>im>n' lm>im>ke they am>im>n't dm>im>d shm>im>t
When you rappm>im>n' never mm>im>x bussm>im>ness up wm>im>th your frm>im>endshm>im>p
m>Im>f you lackm>im>n' up...
专辑:D12 World
Emm>im>nem - My Dad’s Gone Crazy
There's no mountam>im>n m>Im> can't clm>im>mb
There's no tower too hm>im>gh,
No plane m>thatm> m>Im> can't learn how to fly
What do m>Im> gotta do to get through to you, destroy you
There am>im>n't nothm>im>n' m>Im> can't take thm>im>s cham>im>nsaw to
*Ham>im>lm>im>e Makes Cham>im>nsaw Sound*
Fuckm>im>n' bram>im>n's brawn, and brass bm>allm>s
m>Im> cut 'em off, m>Im> ...
专辑:The emm>im>nem show
Davm>im>d Banner - Get Lm>im>ke Me (Ft. Chrm>im>s Brown,Yung Joc)
A lm>im>ttle bm>im>t change now your boy done blown up
And m>Im>’m dom>im>ng thm>im>ngs m>thatm> gets exposed
Stuntm>im>ng am>im>nt a thm>im>ng to me
And m>im>t’s obvm>im>ous m>im>t’s plam>im>n to see
m>Thatm> you gone make us both
Get m>im>nto some thm>im>ngs
m>Thatm>’ll scare grown folks
Shm>im>* they mm>im>ght even say
You should leave me alone
歌手:Davm>im>d Banner
专辑:Get Lm>im>ke Me (CD Sm>im>ngle)
Conor Oberst - Souled Out!!!
(spoken) chorus agam>im>n, or another one? another one.
You know by now
m>Thatm> you won’t be gettm>im>ng m>im>n
No you won’t be gettm>im>ng m>im>n (you know by now)
No you won’t be gettm>im>ng m>im>n (you know by now)
m>Im>t’s sold out
m>Im>n heaven
No, you won’t be gettm>im>ng m>im>n
To heaven (you know by now)
To hea...
歌手:Conor Oberst
专辑:Conor Oberst
Tom Rosenthal - The Boy
... sm>im>ts m>im>n a fm>im>eld tm>allm> grass above hm>im>s head And he’s thm>im>nkm>im>ng of the path m>thatm> hm>im>s ancestors dm>im>d tread And as he’s dreamm>im>ng of the future a mm>im>st does descend And he wonders m>im>f thm>im>s m>im>s the begm>im>nnm>im>ng or thm>im>s m>im>s the end And out of the mm>im>st a tm>allm> creature does appear Hm>im>s eyes are wm>im>de and frm>im>endly,...
歌手:Tom Rosenthal
Jay-Z - Go Hard (Remm>im>x)(ft. DJ Khaled & Kanye West)
... m>Im> put a couple dm>im>amonds m>im>n the crosses
Close your eyes see the darkness
m>Thatm>'s what m>im>t's lm>im>ke where m>Im>'m from
No lawyers no doctors
So em>im>ther m>Im> go the hardest
Or m>Im> could just cm>allm> thm>im>s a nm>im>ght
on dark nm>im>ghts m>im>ts lm>im>ke m>Im> see better
on Dark Knm>im>ghts m>Im>'m lm>im>ke Heath Ledger
Even m>im>f m>Im> overdose on dr...
专辑:A Prelude To Blueprm>im>nt 3
Vanessa Hudgens - Paper Cut
...se lm>im>ke a paper cut the pam>im>n grows worse.
m>Im>t’s not so much m>im>n the words m>thatm> you don’t say
m>Im>t’s when you act m>im>n the dm>im>stant, cold way
m>Im>t’s more m>im>n your eyes how you look at me
Lm>im>ke you no longer care for what m>Im> see
You had to go and show me just how good,
Your love could be, Then you t...
歌手:Vanessa Hudgens