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Kenny Rogers - Through The Years

...years m>im>t seems to me m>Im> need you more and more Through the years, through all the good and bad m>Im> know how much we had m>Im>'ve always been so glad to be wm>im>th you Through the years m>Im>t's better everyday, you've km>im>ssed my tears away As long as m>im>t's okay, m>Im>'ll stay wm>im>th you Through the years Throu...

歌手:Kenny Rogers 专辑:20 Greatest Hm>im>ts
Emm>im>nem - remember me

...better than better to be a competm>im>tor thm>im>s vet m>im>s ahead of, The shm>im>t m>im>s all redder, you deader and deader A medm>im>c m>im>nstead-a the cheddars and credda Settle vendetta one metal beretta from ghetto to ghetto Evm>im>dence? NOPE! Never leave a shred-of m>Im> got the soul of every rapper m>im>n me, love me or ...

歌手:Emm>im>nem 专辑:The Marshall Mathers
Emm>im>nem - Remember Me?

...better than better to be a competm>im>tor thm>im>s vet m>im>s ahead of, The shm>im>t m>im>s all redder, you deader and deader A medm>im>c m>im>nstead-a the cheddars and credda Settle vendetta one metal beretta from ghetto to ghetto Evm>im>dence? NOPE! Never leave a shred-of m>Im> got the soul of every rapper m>im>n me, love me or ...

歌手:Emm>im>nem 专辑:The Emm>im>nem show
GENERATm>Im>ONS from EXm>Im>LE TRm>Im>BE - ANm>Im>MAL (Englm>im>sh versm>im>on)

...ANm>Im>MAL (Englm>im>sh versm>im>on)」 作詞∶SUNNY BOY 作曲∶Erm>im>k Lm>im>dbom/Jon Hallgren 歌∶GENERATm>Im>ONS from EXm>Im>LE TRm>Im>BE left to rm>im>ght m>Im> am>im>n’t lost myself yet not gonna lose m>im>t you know that m>Im> own m>im>t they say that lm>im>fe m>im>s prm>im>celess money can’t buy up my every moment feels lm>im>ke m>Im>’m m>im>n the jungle lm>im>...

歌手:GENERATm>Im>ONS from EXm>Im>LE TRm>Im>BE 专辑:Love You More
Gwen Stefanm>im> - Orange County Gm>im>rl

...hm>im>nd the orange curtam>im>n m>im>s not so bad From the West Sm>im>de of Anahem>im>m, a small world after all Hangm>im>ng out at the hotel, sellm>im>ng makeup at the mall Makm>im>ng out to "Purple Ram>im>n", just lm>im>ke everybody else Dame un beso, now stop, m>im>m trym>im>ng to save myself m>Im>n the ordm>im>nary callm>im>ng gm>im>rl way Back m>im>n ...

歌手:Gwen Stefanm>im> 专辑:The Sweet Escape
Shayne Ward - Breathless

...we’ve made And m>im>f we had babm>im>es they would have your eyes m>Im> would fall deeper watchm>im>ng you gm>im>ve lm>im>fe You don’t even know how very specm>im>al you are You’re everythm>im>ng good m>im>n my lm>im>fe You leave me breathless m>Im> stm>im>ll can’t belm>im>eve that you’re mm>im>ne You just walked out of one ...

歌手:Shayne Ward 专辑:Breathless
D-12 - Loyalty

...n when we am>im>n't got our heat close Keepm>im>n' .44's where you're hoes are swallowm>im>ng deep throat m>Im>f you owe me dough then you know you fallm>im>ng asleep, close nm>im>gga's pupm>im>ls that's what m>Im> do, m>im>'m foolm>im>sh wm>im>ll shoot you Cuz' m>im>'m coo-coo, But m>Im> don't thm>im>nk nm>im>ggas can take m>im>n heat tho' (Chours x...

歌手:D-12 专辑:D12 World
徐怀钰 - 等不及

When m>Im> hear your vom>im>ce over the lm>im>ne All m>Im> wanna do m>im>s to keep you on my mm>im>nd m>Im> only had one dm>im>e How long Don''t wanna play the fool How dm>im>d we end up lm>im>ke thm>im>s baby Just wanna play a cool m>Im> knew always promm>im>se RAP:Won''t you tell me baby boo what you want what you need way be m>Im>''ll be the one t...

歌手:徐怀钰 专辑:天使
Taylor Swm>im>ft - End Game

...n’ a boat m>Im> got a reputatm>im>on, gm>im>rl, that don't precede me (yah) m>Im>'m a call away whenever you need me (yeah) m>Im>'m m>im>n a G5 (yeah), come to the A-Sm>im>de (yeah) m>Im> got a bad boy persona, that's what they lm>im>ke (what they lm>im>ke) You love m>im>t, m>Im> love m>im>t, too, 'cause you my type (you my type) You hold me ...

歌手:Taylor Swm>im>ft 专辑:reputatm>im>on 感谢 D.J. 分享
Pm>im>nk - Lady Marmalade

...辑:Moulm>im>n Rouge 作词: 作曲: 歌词: Lm>im>l’ km>im>m: Where’s all mah soul sm>im>stas Lemme hear ya’ll flow sm>im>stas Mya: Hey sm>im>sta, go sm>im>sta, soul sm>im>sta, flow sm>im>sta Hey sm>im>sta, go sm>im>sta, soul sm>im>sta, go sm>im>sta Mya: He met Marmalade down m>Im>N old Moulm>im>n Rouge Struttm>im>n’ her stuff on the ...

Chrm>im>stm>im>na Agum>im>lera - Lady Marmalade

...辑:Moulm>im>n Rouge 作词: 作曲: 歌词: Lm>im>l’ km>im>m: Where’s all mah soul sm>im>stas Lemme hear ya’ll flow sm>im>stas Mya: Hey sm>im>sta, go sm>im>sta, soul sm>im>sta, flow sm>im>sta Hey sm>im>sta, go sm>im>sta, soul sm>im>sta, go sm>im>sta Mya: He met Marmalade down m>Im>N old Moulm>im>n Rouge Struttm>im>n’ her stuff on the ...

歌手:Chrm>im>stm>im>na Agum>im>lera
The Beautm>im>ful South - Bell Bottomed Tear

...n you lam>im>d We promm>im>se ourselves thm>im>s m>im>s no one-nm>im>ght stand Let us draw all the curtam>im>ns and strm>im>ke up the band And m>Im>’m thrm>im>lled by gentlest touch of your hand we pretend There’s a tear, there’s a tear Not through confusm>im>on through fear, through fear Thm>im>s m>im>s the smm>im>le that m>Im> wore T...

歌手:The Beautm>im>ful South 专辑:0898
群星 - 等不及

...N 唱 :群星 http://www.lrcgc.com When m>Im> hear your vom>im>ce over the lm>im>ne, All m>Im> wanna do m>im>s to keep you on my mm>im>nd. m>Im> only had one dm>im>e. How long? Don’t wanna play the fool. How dm>im>d we end up lm>im>ke thm>im>s baby. Just wanna play m>im>t cool. m>Im> knew m>Im> always promm>im>se. RAP:Yo, yo, yo Won’t you tell me b...

歌手:群星 专辑:大合唱2000
Jojo - not that km>im>nda gm>im>rl

... Now you am>im>n't m>im>mpressm>im>n' me wm>im>t yo jewlery, Your desm>im>gner clothes All the games that you try to play, Thm>im>nk you need to know m>Im> got my own, Don't need you for your dough Hearm>im>n' me, Maybe then we can flow, Let me know Make me smm>im>le, Maybe we can chm>im>ll Keep m>im>t real Show me some...

歌手:Jojo 专辑:Jojo
Emm>im>nem - W.T.P.

...o everybody come and get upon the floor now and grab someone Man fm>im>rst of all, m>Im>'m a boss, m>Im> just wanna get that across Man even my dentm>im>st hates when m>Im> floss Pull up to the club m>im>n a ? lm>im>ke m>im>t's a Porche Garbage bag for one of the wm>im>ndows, spray pam>im>nted doors Wm>im>th the flames on 'em, Mm>im>chm>im>gan p...

歌手:Emm>im>nem 专辑:Recovery
Aly&AJ - m>Im>f m>Im> Could Have You Back

...game over You lost thm>im>s round And now m>Im> get to turn you down Thanks for all the lessons learned m>Im>’m takm>im>ng m>im>n what m>Im> have heard Practm>im>ce makes perfect m>Im>f m>Im> could have you back agam>im>n m>Im> thm>im>nk about m>im>t once or twm>im>ce m>Im> guess m>Im>f m>Im> could have you back m>Im>’d reconsm>im>der maybe m>Im>’d say yes On ...

歌手:Aly&AJ 专辑:m>Im>nsomnm>im>atm>im>c
黄立行 - Hm>im>gh的后遗症

...m>im>s tm>im>me m>Im>'ll gonna dm>im>e . hell.now what the f$%k ? the ground bclow me's fallm>im>ng through. Tell me true. Does thm>im>d shm>im>t ever happen to you? A sm>im>lent scream comm>im>ng from the hm>im>gh , rm>im>ps through mr lhroat. m>Im> jek awake knowm>im>ng that the terrors gone. {m>Im> feel a gum>im>lty pleasure from mt hm>im>gh. m>Im> know ...

歌手:黄立行 专辑:马戏团猴子
Chrm>im>s Brown;Aalm>im>yah - Don't Thm>im>nk They Know

...ny dm>im>fferentThey don’t know about us, they don’t know about m>im>tm>Im> owe m>im>t all to youThey don’t know about us, they don’t know about m>im>tAnd as much as m>Im> messed up, always gm>im>ve me your best loveThey don’t know about us, they don’t know about m>im>t.Sometm>im>mes m>Im> wonder what m>Im> dm>im>d to deserve youThey ...

歌手:Chrm>im>s Brown;Aalm>im>yah 专辑:Don't Thm>im>nk They Know
US5 - Relax

...stop lm>im>sten to the beat (beat) when m>Im> come (come) cause m>Im> lm>im>ke to play All the Boys (Boys) just m>im>n the club (club) checkm>im>ng up my stead cause they want my fame Uh Boy when you walkm>im>ng m>im>n the club (club) gm>im>ve a lm>im>ttle hug cause m>im> lm>im>ke your game So don’t stop movm>im>ng to the beat (beat) ...

歌手:US5 专辑:Around The World
Kendrm>im>ck Lamar - The Heart Part 4

... oh yeah more cars more leers More bars no peers no scars No fear fuck y'all sm>im>ncere m>Im> heard the whm>im>spers m>Im> curved the whm>im>spers you know what the rm>im>sk m>im>s Earth m>im>ndm>im>genous ya body revertm>im>ng to stm>im>ffness The whole world gom>im>n' mad Bodm>im>es m>im>s addm>im>ng up market's about to crash Nm>im>ggas m>im>s fake rm>im>ch ...

歌手:Kendrm>im>ck Lamar 专辑:The Heart Part 4 感谢 向阳坡上 分享