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Lady Gaga - Manm>im>cure

...u feel m>im>t? Can you feel m>im>t? Can you feel m>im>t? m>Im>’m addm>im>cted to the love m>thatm> you gm>im>ve me Can you feel m>im>t? Can you feel m>im>t? Can you feel m>im>t? Lm>im>ke a serm>im>al km>im>ller, man m>im>s a goner Touch me, m>im>n the dark Put your hands m>allm> over my body parts Throw me, on the bed Squeeze, tease, and please ...

歌手:Lady Gaga 专辑:ARTPOP 感谢 D.J. 分享
高杰 - Babygm>im>rl

...ody’s so dm>im>vm>im>ne m>Im> got you on my mm>im>nd m>allm> the tm>im>me you’re m>allm> m>Im> need (m>thatm>’s rm>im>te) 我觉得好不可思议 能在ktv里遇见你 然后现在能在一起 惊喜是我第一个反应 不相信我有多么的幸运 也许这就是命运的安排 你的存在 我的依赖 但现在 我没有...

歌手:高杰 专辑:龙醒 纪念版

いつものようにPLAY m>THATm> MUSm>Im>C こんな音に身を任せるわ Km>im>ss me and love me  とか Dancm>im>ng m>allm> the nm>im>ght 単純だけど m>Im>’m feelm>im>ng hm>im>gh ちょっと急いでる足を just stop 耳を澄ませばほら 退屈の上に乗って 飛んでいけるような 気持ち...

Mm>im>chelle Branch - Standm>im>ng On The Edge

...a lm>im>ttle tm>im>me to try What m>im>t m>im>s m>Im> want And m>im>s m>im>t you thm>im>s tm>im>me m>Im> wm>im>sh m>thatm> m>Im> knew you better m>Im> wm>im>sh m>thatm> m>Im> knew know myself m>Im> wanted to be forever But now m>im>t’s stm>im>ll only me Chorus: Standm>im>ng on the edge of the world Now m>Im> don’t want you to catch me m>Im> want you to let me Stand up he...

歌手:Mm>im>chelle Branch
The Walkmen - Canadm>im>an Gm>im>rl

...y m>Im>'m stm>im>ll hangm>im>ng on Blown by strong wm>im>nd, but m>im>t here we fear (?) m>Allm> m>thatm> you sam>im>d to me m>im>s stm>im>ll so very clear So take my hand The players m>im>n the band They can always fm>im>nd Always fm>im>nd some number m>thatm> we know You’ll mm>im>ss me when m>Im>’m gone But the happy musm>im>c wm>im>ll carry on

歌手:The Walkmen 专辑:You & Me
fm>im>ve - Don’t Wanna Let You Go

...don’t wanna let you go we just wanna tell you just wanna let you know m>thatm> we’ll stay around so what else can you do you’ve sam>im>d m>allm> you have to we’re comm>im>ng after you so don’t make a sound m>im> got thm>im>s feelm>im>n could m>im>t be there’s someone watchm>im>ng over me tell me who you are m>im> cl...

歌手:fm>im>ve 专辑:Greatest Hm>im>ts
T.M.Revolutm>im>on - Web of Nm>im>ght -Englm>im>sh Album Versm>im>on-]

...g me to surrender to the fm>im>ght A shadow land far beyond the lm>im>ght A lm>im>fe m>thatm> no one but m>Im> should ever have to know m>Im>'m fm>allm>m>im>ng back m>im>nto the web of nm>im>ght m>Im> wear a mask, m>im>f you tear m>im>t back What you'll see m>im>s sadness m>Im> stand alone somewhere m>im>n the dark m>Allm> the love has gone m>Im>t's tm>im>me to ...

歌手:T.M.Revolutm>im>on 专辑:Vertm>im>cal m>Im>nfm>im>nm>im>ty
Group 1 Crew - Tonm>im>ght

... ever afters m>allm> you dreamed about nothm>im>ng could be better cuz, you knew m>thatm> you could make m>im>t through any weather but, t hm>im>ngs changed when he moved away, you were m>allm> by yourself through the lonely days, m>allm> you could do was pray, then the phone cm>allm> came (m>Im> thm>im>nk we’re headm>im>ng separat...

歌手:Group 1 Crew 专辑:Ordm>im>nary Dreamers
Dm>im>sturbed - Torn

... And we know there’s stm>im>ll a fm>im>re m>im>nsm>im>de And we know and we know m>Thatm> m>Im> am torn thought m>im>t was over thm>im>s tm>im>me And we know there’s stm>im>ll a fm>im>re m>im>nsm>im>de And we know and we know We’re gonna let m>im>t burn Let m>im>t burn T’m>im>ll the m>im>mage fades away

歌手:Dm>im>sturbed 专辑:m>Im>ndestructm>im>ble
Jason Chen - Burns

... word you’d say Lm>im>ke de ja vu You say we’re through And now m>thatm>’s m>allm> m>Im> thm>im>nk about When m>Im> thm>im>nk about you And m>im>t burns And m>Im>t burns And m>im>t burns And m>im>t burns And m>im>t burns And m>im>t burns m>Im>’ve come a long way But then m>Im> see you agam>im>n m>Im> can’t belm>im>eve...

歌手:Jason Chen 专辑:Burns
Backstreet Boys - m>Im>f you knew what m>Im> knew

...possm>im>ble to love someone so much, mmm m>Im> wm>im>sh m>Im> may m>Im> wm>im>sh m>Im> mm>im>ght be m>thatm> certam>im>n someone you wm>im>sh for every nm>im>ght m>im>f you knew what m>Im> knew you wouldn’t say what you sam>im>d m>im>f you knew what m>Im> knew we’d be together m>im>nstead of you breakm>im>ng my heart over thm>im>ngs m>thatm> aren’t true ...

歌手:Backstreet Boys
Nm>im>cole Scherzm>im>nger - Puakenm>im>kenm>im>

...ll am>im>n't ready Well, how you get 'em gm>im>rl? Amm>im> down south Chorus: m>Thatm>'s how you get 'em gm>im>rl Well, how you get 'em gm>im>rl? Amm>im> down south Everybody’s lookm>im>ng at me (m>Thatm>’s how you get 'em gm>im>rl) They lm>im>ke the way m>Im> turn up the heat (m>Thatm>’s how you get 'em gm>im>rl) So m>allm> of...

歌手:Nm>im>cole Scherzm>im>nger 专辑:Her Name m>Im>s Nm>im>cole
Usher - m>Thatm>'s What m>Im>t's Made For

Usher---m>Thatm>′s What m>Im>t′s Made For Ooh, yeah baby yeaah Uhhuhhuhhuhhmmm Yeaah babe Ooh, ooh Oh, yeah Lm>im>sten up m>Im> got a story to tell Check m>im>t out now And m>Im> know you can m>im>dentm>im>fy wm>im>th thm>im>s one Yeah yeah yeah, oh Check m>im>t out Fm>im>gured m>Im>′d hm>im>t m>im>t and qum>im>t m>im>t just one nm>im>ght Got...

歌手:Usher 专辑:Confessm>im>ons
余枫 - Back at one

...余枫 LRC歌词制作:吉时雨 QQ:132 7269 041 m>Im>t’s undenm>im>able m>Thatm> we should be together m>Im>t’s unbelm>im>evable How m>Im> used to say m>thatm> m>Im>’ll fm>allm> never The basm>im>s you need to know m>Im>f you don’t know just how m>Im> feel Then let me show You know m>thatm> m>Im>’m for real m>Im>f m>allm> thm>im>ngs m>im>n tm>im>me...

孙耀威 - Here m>Im> Go (Englm>im>sh Versm>im>on)

...lm>im>ke the ground shakm>im>ng But m>im>t am>im>n’t Shm>im>verm>im>ng from the pam>im>n Hopm>im>ng m>thatm> thm>im>s love takes me where m>Im> wanna go Then m>Im> realm>im>ze m>thatm> we broke up a day ago m>Im> can’t help but wonder m>im>f my mm>im>nd m>im>s playm>im>ng trm>im>cks Should m>Im> reevaluate my lm>im>fe or be m>im>n love wm>im>th m>im>t Here m>Im> go, m>Im> go, m>Im> go Here ...

歌手:孙耀威 专辑:m>Im>n The Name Of… Love
Stephanm>im>e Smm>im>th - Love Out Loud

...needs and m>allm> the please And m>allm> the whm>im>le we never smm>im>le How do we cm>allm> m>thatm> love Now’s the tm>im>me m>Im>t’s tm>im>me to make a dm>im>fference Start wm>im>th one, now m>im>t’s begun And one by one we’ll turn m>im>t up So people have to hear m>im>t Lm>im>sten up (lm>im>sten up) Everybody (everybody) One (one), two (two)...

歌手:Stephanm>im>e Smm>im>th 专辑:Not Afram>im>d
Jamm>im>e Lm>im>dell - Wam>im>t For Me

...amm>im>e Lm>im>dell - Wam>im>t For Me www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 Dm>im>d you thm>im>nk m>thatm> m>Im>'ve been foolm>im>n' around As m>Im>'m wanderm>im>n' from town to town Askm>im>ng you to wam>im>t, wam>im>t for me Don't you know you can't belm>im>eve m>allm> m>thatm> you've heard m>Im> know m>im>t's rough when m>allm> you have m>im>s my word Askm>im>ng you to wam>im>t,...

歌手:Jamm>im>e Lm>im>dell 专辑:Jm>im>m
The Km>im>llers - Spaceman

...they took my blood type m>Im>t left a strange m>im>mpressm>im>on m>im>n my head You know m>thatm> m>Im> was hopm>im>ng m>Thatm> m>Im> could leave thm>im>s star-crossed world behm>im>nd But when they cut me open m>Im> guess m>Im> changed my mm>im>nd And you know m>Im> mm>im>ght Have just flown too far from the floor thm>im>s tm>im>me 'cause they cm>allm>m>im>ng me by my ...

歌手:The Km>im>llers 专辑:Day & Age
游戏动漫 - Never Endm>im>ng Dream

...’t be afram>im>d, open the door to your heart you’ll fm>im>nd m>Allm> the dreams m>thatm> you belm>im>eve m>im>s wam>im>tm>im>ng for you Shm>im>nm>im>ng brm>im>ght together we’ll make m>im>t true Feelm>im>ng your love, there’s nothm>im>ng to fear when you are near Through every season love grows you’re part of my lm>im>fe Lm>im>ve wm>im>th you th...

歌手:游戏动漫 专辑:圣火徽章
Demm>im> Lovato - On The Lm>im>ne

...even though m>Im> knew m>im>t was. m>Im> dm>im>dn’t wanna cm>allm>, you back, ‘cuz m>Im> knew m>thatm> m>Im> was wrong. Yeah m>Im> knew, m>Im> was wrong. One m>im>n the same, never to change. Our love was beautm>im>ful. We got m>im>t m>allm>, destm>im>ned to fm>allm>. Our love was tragm>im>cal. Wanted to cm>allm>, no need to fm>im>ght. You know m>Im> wouldn’t lm>im>...

歌手:Demm>im> Lovato 专辑:Don't Forget