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George Mm>im>chael - Outsm>im>de

...ou can't say yes Let's go outsm>im>de m>im>n the moonshm>im>ne Take me to the places m>thatm> m>Im> love best So my angel she says, don't you worry 'bout the thm>im>ngs they're saym>im>ng, yeah Got no frm>im>ends m>im>n hm>im>gh places And the game m>thatm> you gave away Wasn't worth playm>im>ng Let's go outsm>im>de m>im>n the sunshm>im>ne m>Im> know yo...

歌手:George Mm>im>chael 专辑:Ladm>im>es And Gentleman(1998)
Sm>im>mple Plan - When m>Im>'m Gone

...Whm>im>le you' re busy makm>im>ng your excuses Another day ,another casualty But m>thatm> won' t happen to me Whoahh No we' re not gonna waste another moment m>im>n thm>im>s town Whoahh We wont come back , the world m>im>ts comm>im>ng out Whoahh Leave the past m>im>n the past gonna fm>im>nd the future And mm>im>sery love...

歌手:Sm>im>mple Plan 专辑:When m>Im>'m Gone (CD Sm>im>ngle)
Mm>im>chelle Wm>im>llm>im>ams - The Greatest

...uz you’re the greatest Searched hm>im>gh and low for love just To fm>im>nd out m>thatm> m>im>t was here m>allm> long And unknowm>im>ng what m>Im> wanted m>Im> should have been chasm>im>ng you And m>Im> was reachm>im>n’ for the stars But dm>im>dn’t have to look so far ‘Cuz love’s where you are But m>Im> dm>im>dn’t have a clue And now ...

歌手:Mm>im>chelle Wm>im>llm>im>ams 专辑:Unexpected
NANA - Lonely(完整版)

...s world full of lm>im>es Step by step and be versatm>im>le Love peace and cash m>thatm>’s what m>im>s’s m>allm> about Alone by yourself than you lack there’s no doubt about m>Im>’m always m>im>nto somethm>im>ng makm>im>ng moves to m>im>mprove What would you do m>im>f you were m>im>n my shoes Boom a letter oops another sum>im>cm>im>de ...

AZU - Hello

...everyone seems so joyful We’re walkm>im>ng m>im>n a wonderland To share the love m>thatm> m>Im> have found So let’s smm>im>le You and m>Im> can fly The stars above are shm>im>nm>im>ng m>Im>’ll let them lm>im>ght the way Make m>im>t a good day Hello hello hello hello m>Im> see the snowflakes dancm>im>ng m>im>n theam>im>r Hello hello hello hello m>Im> keep...

歌手:AZU 专辑:4Seasons
李珉宇(M) - Stomp (Feat. Dyna-Mm>im>c)

...to your heart Let's get m>im>t low Fm>im>ll Fm>im>ll up the fever shake shake shake m>thatm> booty lm>im>ke hot Dm>im>va Blow Blow mm>im>nd rm>im>ght here Let m>im>t burn Burn m>im>t on the floor wm>im>th Mr M Where ma ladm>im>es at Let'em Know gotta brm>im>ng the beat back You Know m>Im>t 郴 Step俊 嘎苗 歹 目廉滚赴 郴 个阑 带...

歌手:李珉宇(M) 专辑:Explore M (Repackage)
The Summer Set - Heart On the Floor

...key on the backm>Im> dm>im>dn’t know why you were along, but you am>im>n’t leadm>im>ng m>thatm> awaym>Im> threw back one whole drm>im>nk before m>Im> asked your nameAnd m>Im> sam>im>d hey, hey, why you actm>im>ng so sorry?Hey, hey, who put m>thatm> look on your face?And m>Im> don’t wanna leave thm>im>s bar untm>im>l m>Im> get your numberAnd m>im>f m>Im>’m bem>im>ng ...

歌手:The Summer Set 专辑:Legendary
Km>im>dz Bop Km>im>ds - Superstar

...ted at the rhymer Rm>im>cochets off the moon and sets the forest a blaze Now m>thatm>'s m>im>mportant to say, 'cause even wm>im>th m>allm> of m>thatm> Most of us don't want m>im>t to fade The audm>im>ence am>im>n't fazed They am>im>n't gone clap and they am>im>n't gone pram>im>se They want everythm>im>ng back m>thatm> they pam>im>d 'Cause they been wa...

歌手:Km>im>dz Bop Km>im>ds 专辑:Km>im>dz Bop 14
Km>im>dz Bop Km>im>ds - Superstar

...ted at the rhymer Rm>im>cochets off the moon and sets the forest a blaze Now m>thatm>'s m>im>mportant to say, 'cause even wm>im>th m>allm> of m>thatm> Most of us don't want m>im>t to fade The audm>im>ence am>im>n't fazed They am>im>n't gone clap and they am>im>n't gone pram>im>se They want everythm>im>ng back m>thatm> they pam>im>d 'Cause they been wa...

歌手:Km>im>dz Bop Km>im>ds 专辑:Km>im>dz Bop 14
Lady GaGa - Telephone feat. Beyoncé

... a drm>im>nk m>im>n my hand, eh… You shoulda made some plans wm>im>th me, you knew m>thatm> m>Im> was free. And now you won't stop cm>allm>m>im>ng me; m>Im>'m km>im>nda busy. Stop cm>allm>m>im>n', stop cm>allm>m>im>n', m>Im> don't wanna thm>im>nk anymore! m>Im> left my hand and my heart on the dance floor. Stop cm>allm>m>im>n', stop cm>allm>m>im>n', m>Im> don't wanna t...

歌手:Lady GaGa 专辑:The Fame Monster
MONKEY MAJm>Im>K - Save the last dance

... or a nm>im>ghtmare where you wm>im>sh you could Another good thm>im>ng about musm>im>c m>im>s m>thatm> when m>im>t hm>im>ts you You feel no pam>im>n So just keep hm>im>ttm>im>ng me Furthermore, ya gotta stay the same, gotta change the way you play the game So keep wrm>im>tm>im>ng on Oh! And by the way, m>im>f you lm>im>ke musm>im>c, ya gotta use m>im>t, and change ...

Cm>im>ara - m>Im>’m Just Me

...y the same Never though a mm>im>llm>im>on years m>Im> would blow up Be the one m>thatm> carrm>im>es the hood on the shoulder And m>Im>'m the CEO cm>allm> me the owner And m>Im> can do anythm>im>ng m>thatm> m>Im> wanna And m>Im> rather be flym>im>ng hm>im>gh And m>im>d be gone You can cm>allm> me Hollywood And tm>im>p my heart and see ...

歌手:Cm>im>ara 专辑:The Evolutm>im>on
Tyga - Dm>im>ss Song

...de?Nm>im>gga you a man too, why you mad at me?Same gravm>im>ty hold you ’down, s m>thatm>embarrassm>im>ngYour comments was hm>im>larm>im>ous, not even congratulatm>im>onsTold nm>im>ggas we’re related, even when m>Im> made m>im>tHad nothm>im>ng but good thm>im>ngs to say about you even though you stm>im>ll hate m>im>tm>Im> know you thm>im>nk ‘cause thm>im>s fam...

歌手:Tyga 专辑:Hotel Calm>im>fornm>im>a (Deluxe Versm>im>
Stellar Kart - Procrastm>im>natm>im>ng

...a.m m>Im> don't know where to begm>im>n Tm>im>me's runnm>im>ng out and There's no doubt m>thatm> m>im> feel Lm>im>ke throwm>im>ng m>im>n the towel Wm>im>th no way m>Im> can get thm>im>s Start fm>im>nm>im>shed So m>im>'m a day late at least A buck short m>Im>'ve got no Chance to make thm>im>s on My own m>Im> don't have m>im>t made m>Im>'m Nowhere near the shade wm>im>ll...

歌手:Stellar Kart 专辑:Lm>im>fe m>Im>s Good
Boyz m>Im>m>Im> Men - Dom>im>n’ Just Fm>im>ne

...e you walkm>im>ng by One look and m>Im>’d break rm>im>ght down and cry Now you say m>thatm> you’ve made a bm>im>g mm>im>stake Never meant to take your love away But you can save your tm>im>red apologm>im>es ’cause m>im>t may seem hard to belm>im>eve But m>Im>’m dom>im>n’ just fm>im>ne Gettm>im>ng along very well Wm>im>thout you m>im>n my lm>im>f...

歌手:Boyz m>Im>m>Im> Men
Bryan Adams - how do ya feel tonm>im>ght

...dams 专辑:On A Day Lm>im>ke Today m>im>s there anybody out there? anyone m>thatm>\'s loved m>im>n vam>im>n anyone m>thatm> feels the same m>im>s there anybody wam>im>tm>im>ng? wam>im>tm>im>ng for a chance to wm>im>n to gm>im>ve m>im>t up and start agam>im>n we m>allm> need somethm>im>ng new somethm>im>ng m>thatm> m>im>s true and someone else to feel m>im>t too ...

歌手:Bryan Adams 专辑:on a day lm>im>ke today
Wm>im>ll Smm>im>th - Da Butta feat Lm>im>l’ Km>im>m

...by hm>im>p-hop burns eternal m>Allm> aboard on my tram>im>n to fame Rappers hopm>im>ng m>thatm> m>im>t''d ram>im>n Trym>im>ng to stop the game But ram>im>n can''t stop me m>Im> got a coat m>im>n the crm>im>b Hey look y''m>allm> yellow brm>im>cks qum>im>t beefm>im>n'' at the whm>im>z, what? [Lm>im>l'' Km>im>m](Wm>im>ll) Here come the butter baby (m>Im> brm>im>ng m>im>t s...

歌手:Wm>im>ll Smm>im>th 专辑:Wm>im>llennm>im>um
Sm>im>mon Webbe - Unjustm>im>fm>im>ed

... up, after m>allm> the fun we had, Put off, by your dm>im>rty meddlm>im>n’ Am>im>n’t m>thatm> long sm>im>nce, m>Im> was your hootchm>im>e cootchm>im>e man, But you’re gettm>im>ng off spreadm>im>ng dm>im>rty lm>im>es, Ya' broke promm>im>se don’t come as no surprm>im>se, No, no, m>thatm> am>im>n’t gonna bother me, m>Im> am>im>n’t makm>im>ng a scene, [Choru...

歌手:Sm>im>mon Webbe 专辑:Sanctuary
温拿 - 70's Medley

... vm>im>sm>im>on softly creepm>im>ng Left m>im>ts seeds whm>im>le m>Im> was sleepm>im>ng And the vm>im>sm>im>on m>thatm> was planted m>im>n my bram>im>n Stm>im>ll remam>im>ns Wm>im>thm>im>n the sound of sm>im>lence. m>Im>n restless dreams m>Im> walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestones Beneath the halo of a street lamp m>Im> turned my collar to the cold and damp When my eyes ...

歌手:温拿 专辑:Stars On 33
Bon Jovm>im> - Radm>im>o Saved My Lm>im>fe Tonm>im>ght

...elm>im>ng lm>im>ke a stranger when m>Im> drove through my hometown Past the sm>im>gn m>thatm> reads The Boyhood Home of a Place m>Thatm>’s Long Gone Now’ m>Im> realm>im>zed am>im>n’t nothm>im>ng what m>im>t used to be Untm>im>l m>Im> heard a song m>thatm> takes me to my memorm>im>es Radm>im>o saved my lm>im>fe tonm>im>ght A sad song m>thatm> ...

歌手:Bon Jovm>im> 专辑:Have a Nm>im>ce Day [CD-Sm>Im>NGLE