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Elton John - All That m>Im>’m Allowed

All That m>Im>'m Allowed Elton John Breakm>im>ng down never seems to be that hard Fallm>im>ng short m>im>s always m>im>n the cards m>Im>'m on the road, sunrm>im>se m>im>s at my back Lost m>im>t all somewhere between the cracks m>Im> always hoped that m>Im>'d do better That m>Im>'d come out on top for once We all get what we de...

歌手:Elton John 专辑:Peachtree Road
Stacm>im>e Orrm>im>co - Stuck

...at m>Im>’m saym>im>ng, you know what m>Im> mean yeah Every now and then when m>Im>’m all alone m>Im>’ll be wm>im>shm>im>ng you would call me on the telephone Say you want me back but you never do m>Im> feel lm>im>ke such a fool there’s nothm>im>n m>Im> can do m>Im>’m such a fool for you m>Im> can’t take m>im>t what am m>Im> wam>im>tm>im>ng for ...

歌手:Stacm>im>e Orrm>im>co
Shanm>im>a Twam>im>n - m>Im>’m Holdm>im>n' On To Love (To Save My Lm>im>fe)

...t's alrm>im>ght, m>Im> am>im>n't that uptm>im>ght m>Im> don't need a psychm>im>c 'cause m>Im> don't really lm>im>ke m>im>t When someone trm>im>es to tell me just what my future holds m>Im> already know Your love keeps me alm>im>ve You're all m>Im> need to survm>im>ve m>Im> got you by my sm>im>de So m>Im>'m holdm>im>n' on-m>Im>'m feelm>im>n' strong-baby you're the one...

歌手:Shanm>im>a Twam>im>n 专辑:come on over
Shanm>im>a Twam>im>n - m>Im>’m Holdm>im>n’ On To Love (To Save My Lm>im>fe)

...t's alrm>im>ght, m>Im> am>im>n't that uptm>im>ght m>Im> don't need a psychm>im>c 'cause m>Im> don't really lm>im>ke m>im>t When someone trm>im>es to tell me just what my future holds m>Im> already know Your love keeps me alm>im>ve You're all m>Im> need to survm>im>ve m>Im> got you by my sm>im>de So m>Im>'m holdm>im>n' on-m>Im>'m feelm>im>n' strong-baby you're the one...

歌手:Shanm>im>a Twam>im>n
Dm>im>do - Thank You

...thank u - dm>im>do my tea`s gone cold m>im>`m wonderm>im>ng why m>im> got out of bed at all the mornm>im>ng ram>im>n clouds up my wm>im>ndow and m>im> can`t see at all and even m>im>f m>im> could m>im>t`d all be grey but ur pm>im>c on my wall m>im>t remm>im>nds me that m>im>t`s not so bad,m>im>t`s not so bad drank too much last nm>im>ght,got bm>im>lls to pay ...

歌手:Dm>im>do 专辑:no angel
Death Cab for Cutm>im>e - Pm>im>ctures m>Im>n An Exhm>im>bm>im>tm>im>on

...wnslm>im>de, downturn m>Im> was busy wrm>im>tm>im>ng wm>im>th a pen and paper thm>im>n dream And all your plastm>im>c people wm>im>th plastm>im>c hearts and smm>im>les They had the worst m>im>ntentm>im>ons all along after all The royal castle holds the mellow drama km>im>ngs and queens And all them>im>r dazzlm>im>ng chm>im>ldren, they’re so regal, so cl...

歌手:Death Cab for Cutm>im>e 专辑:Somethm>im>ng About Am>im>rplanes
Jason Chen - Payphone

m>Im>’m at a payphone trym>im>ng to call home all of my change are spent on you where are the tm>im>mes gone baby m>im>t’s all wrong where are the plans we made for two, yeah ah m>Im> know m>im>t’s hard to remember the people we used to be m>im>t’s even harder to pm>im>cture you’re not here next to me you say m>im>t’s ...

歌手:Jason Chen 专辑:The Covers, Vol. 5
Barry Manm>im>low - Hard To Say m>Im>’m Sorry

...ow. m>Im>t's hard for me to say m>Im>'m sorry. m>Im> just want you to stay. After all that we've been through, m>Im> wm>im>ll make m>im>t up to you. m>Im> promm>im>se to. And after all that's been sam>im>d and done, You're just the part of me m>Im> can't let go. Couldn't stand to be kept away just for the day from your body. ...

歌手:Barry Manm>im>low 专辑:The Greatest Songs Of The Em>im>ghtm>im>es
OneRepublm>im>c - Come Home

...r so long For so long And rm>im>ght now there's a war between the m>im>tm>im>es But all m>im> see m>im>s you and me The fm>im>ght for you m>im>s all m>Im>’ve ever known So come home Oooh [Verse 2] m>Im> get lost m>im>n the beauty Of everythm>im>ng m>im> see The world am>im>n’t as half as bad As they pam>im>nt m>im>t to be m>Im>f all the sons m>Im>...

歌手:OneRepublm>im>c 专辑:Dreamm>im>ng Out Loud
Thm>im>rd Day - ready

...ady, yeah You know m>Im>’m ready now m>Im> can’t sm>im>t around wam>im>tm>im>ng for m>im>t all to change m>Im>t’s gonna take every sm>im>ngle one of us dom>im>ng what we can There’s lots of fm>im>ghtm>im>ng m>im>n thm>im>s world but there’s so much lovm>im>ng, too So take my hand, m>Im>’m ready now for you m>Im> want the world to turn becau...

歌手:Thm>im>rd Day 专辑:Revelatm>im>on
Stevm>im>e Hoang - So m>Im>n Love

...e dreamm>im>ng m>Im>t’s to good to be true There’s nothm>im>ng left to do m>Im>’m fm>im>nally there Everywhere m>Im> go m>Im> get thm>im>s feelm>im>ng Feel so good and m>Im> just can’t belm>im>eve m>im>t m>Im>’m so m>im>n love m>Im>’m so m>im>n love m>Im>’m so m>im>n love m>Im>’m so m>im>n love Baby, all my lm>im>fe and now m>Im> made m>im>t Now m>Im>’m here and feel so good...

歌手:Stevm>im>e Hoang 专辑:Summer Love 感谢 D.J. 分享
Fyfe - Belong

...e’re spm>im>rm>im>tual? m>Im>’m tm>im>red of bem>im>ng a stranger to myself m>Im>’m tm>im>red of all the hotel rooms wam>im>tm>im>ng up for you m>Im> want to belong So let’s turn around from thm>im>s ‘cause m>Im>’m tm>im>red of thm>im>s but m>Im> won’t gm>im>ve up Belong Let’s gm>im>ve ourselves a chance together, we can make m>im>t last forever Hey Can...

歌手:Fyfe 感谢 346865560 分享
m>Im>n m>Im>t - ...Gm>im>ve Me Truth!

...too,ron. But you’re wrong m>im>f you thm>im>nk that the joy of lm>im>fe comes prm>im>ncm>im>pally from human relatm>im>onshm>im>ps. God’s placed m>im>t all around us. m>Im>t’s m>im>n everythm>im>ng. m>Im>t’s m>im>n anythm>im>ng we can experm>im>nce. People just need to change the way they look at those thm>im>ngs. Yeah,m>Im>’m gonna take stock of that. No,...

歌手:m>Im>n m>Im>t 专辑:Gm>im>ve Me Truth!
Dead By Aprm>im>l - Stronger

...g the tm>im>me m>im>s passm>im>ng me by. Passm>im>ng me by!!! everywhere, (everywhere?) all that m>im>s there? Understand the souls m>im>n me: What m>Im> am? Who m>Im> am?! What m>Im> thm>im>nk?!! Answer me for all the m>Im>?m askm>im>ng. Takm>im>ng back what m>Im>?ve been mm>im>ssm>im>ng. Lookm>im>ng back makm>im>ng me stronger! My despam>im>r makes me even longe...

歌手:Dead By Aprm>im>l 专辑:Dead By Aprm>im>l
Maroon 5 - Maps

... mm>im>ss the conversatm>im>on m>Im>’m searchm>im>ng for a song tonm>im>ght m>Im>’m changm>im>ng all of the statm>im>ons m>Im> lm>im>ke to thm>im>nk that we had m>im>t all We drew a map to a better place But on that road m>Im> took a fall Oh baby why dm>im>d you run away? m>Im> was there for you m>Im>n your darkest tm>im>mes m>Im> was there for you m>Im>n your...

歌手:Maroon 5 感谢 qq122121036 分享
庾澄庆 - Y.M.C.A(Lm>im>ve) - lm>im>ve

...he y-m-c-a They have everythm>im>ng for you men to enjoy You can hang out wm>im>th all the boys Y-m-c-a m>Im>t's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a You can get yourself cleaned' you can have a good meal' You can do whatever you feel Young man are you lm>im>stenm>im>ng to me? m>Im> sam>im>d' young man what do you want to be? m>Im> sam>im>d' y...

歌手:庾澄庆 专辑:哈世纪Lm>im>ve Show
Ash - m>Im>’m Gonna Fall

Ash - m>Im>'m Gonna Fall Thm>im>s m>im>s a begm>im>nnm>im>ng Although thm>im>s m>im>s an end m>Im> got a sm>im>ght of heaven And m>im>t's gone stram>im>ght to my head And the tm>im>me m>im>s rm>im>ght for fallm>im>ng Thm>im>s tm>im>me m>Im>'m gonna fall That's the prm>im>ce m>Im> must pay For a taste of your sweet love m>Im>'m gonna fall Thm>im>s tm>im>me m>Im>'ll fall Gon...

歌手:Ash 专辑:Nu-Clear Sounds
Ellm>im>ott Yamm>im>n - Movm>im>n' On

....com @ When m>Im> thm>im>nk about you baby, m>Im> can’t help m>im>t (help m>im>t) m>Im> lose all my focus and m>Im> just can’t stand m>im>t m>Im> get so excm>im>ted every tm>im>me m>Im> hear your name (your name) And you don’t recm>im>procate and m>im>t’s a damn shame See all m>Im>’m trym>im>ng to do gm>im>rl m>im>s, m>im>s gm>im>ve you my tm>im>me and You know yo...

歌手:Ellm>im>ott Yamm>im>n 专辑:Wam>im>t For You
Rush of Fools - Lose m>Im>t All

Rush of Fools - Lose m>Im>t All www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 There’s nothm>im>ng qum>im>te lm>im>ke you There’s nothm>im>ng here on the earth You’ve nothm>im>ng left to prove None can compare to Your worth Okay, all rm>im>ght, there’s more that m>Im> am lm>im>vm>im>ng for When m>Im>’m Yours Oh oh oh oh, m>Im> wa...

歌手:Rush of Fools 专辑:Wonder Of The World
Skye Sweetnam - tangled up m>im>n me

...w by the way m>Im>′m actm>im>ng today Mm>im>x the words up wm>im>th the actm>im>ons do m>im>t all for your reactm>im>on Ya! Hey! Hey! Get tangled up m>im>n me You wanna know more, more, more about me Gotta know reverse phsychology m>Im>′m the reason why you can′t get to sleep m>Im>′m the gm>im>rl you never get jus...

歌手:Skye Sweetnam 专辑:Nom>im>se From The Basement