Dm>im>gm>im>tal Daggers - The Devm>im>l Wm>im>thm>im>n
...Look what you made of me(看看你造就的我) Now m>Im>’m the heavy burden m>thatm> you can’t bear(现在的我已是你无法承受之重) Look what you made of me(想想你所对我做的所有) Look what you made of me(想一想) m>Im>’ll make you see(我会让你一点一点明白) You’ll never k...
歌手:Dm>im>gm>im>tal Daggers
钟舒漫 - 弃甲少年
...the crowd. You can judge me' wm>im>th the jewelry' Wrm>im>te me off' But just hope m>thatm> our paths don’t cross.” You party every nm>im>ght 俗世眼中的玩世 难承受勉励只知超速与越轨 You’re spendm>im>ng m>allm> our love 直至见到上帝 沿途动荡最後走出心中那路轨 m>Im>n the teenage wa...
Kerlm>im> - The Creatm>im>onm>im>st
... m>Im>’ll keep walkm>im>ng
When skm>im>es are grey.
Whatever happens
Was meant m>thatm> way.
Your no better or no worse than the others
We are m>allm> the same.
Lm>im>fe m>im>s just a moment
You mm>im>ght as well enjoy thm>im>s day.
m>Im>t’s tm>im>me to start belm>im>evm>im>ng m>thatm> everythm>im>ng we want m>im>s
On m>im>ts way and
专辑:Love m>Im>s Dead
BENm>Im> - チェリー
...hm>im>s wm>im>ndm>im>ng road Watch the sun come up m>im>t’s a brand new day On thm>im>s road m>thatm> only leads me back to you We shared so much along the way Though m>Im> know we can’t go back there agam>im>n Wm>im>th you, m>Im> get the feelm>im>ng m>im>nsm>im>de, a love larger than lm>im>fe Wam>im>ts ahead for you and m>Im> m>Im> love you, you gm>im>ve me reaso...
专辑:Covers: 2
Westlm>im>fe - Love Takes Two
...d to much m>im>nto the way we slay
The way you move away from me
m>Im> may feel m>thatm> you''re the one
But when m>allm> m>im>s sam>im>d and done
Love takes two
Tm>im>me after tm>im>me we''ve talked m>im>t through
Cos baby, m>Im> need you
What am m>Im> supposed to do
Love takes two
There''s a whole lot o...
专辑:Greatest Hm>im>ts
Baysm>im>de - Howard
...or you and m>allm> our frm>im>ends agree
Howard my dear was m>im>t fm>im>lms and planes m>thatm> made you thm>im>s way
Howard my dear they spoke and we’re jokes
Howard you’re a 10 but m>Im>’m not sure thm>im>s ends well
Hold m>im>t close to your heart
What ever happened to Howard Hughes?
m>Im> guess lm>im>fe wasn’t good to you...
Joey Moe - My Last Serenade
...:阿源 QQ:1299734652
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm (4x)
Don’t be surprm>im>sed
m>Thatm> these are my last words
My last hour of my last day
m>Im>’ve taken m>allm> the sorrow
m>Im> can bear you
And now m>Im> thm>im>nk m>Im>’ll turn
Turn and walk away
As wm>im>pe cause the tears are bum>im>ldm>im>ng up m>im>n my eyes
Feel lm>im>ke m>Im> got nothm>im>n...
歌手:Joey Moe
专辑:Lm>im>ke A DJ
感谢 杨源顺yf 分享
Dragonette - Marvellous
m>Im>’m a fool for your wm>im>ckedness
You’re trouble but m>Im>’m learnm>im>ng m>thatm> you’re cool
And m>Im>’m gettm>im>ng myself m>im>nto trouble
Gettm>im>ng myself m>im>nto trouble
Gettm>im>ng myself m>im>nto trouble
Maybe you’ve got to tell no others
Maybe you’ll tell me not to bother
Baby m>im>f m>Im> could have my brothers...
小虫 - Lonely
... thm>im>s world full of lm>im>es Step by step and be versatm>im>le Love peace and cash m>thatm>’s what m>im>s’s m>allm> about Alone by yourself than you lack there’s no doubt about m>Im>’m always m>im>nto somethm>im>ng makm>im>ng moves to m>im>mprove What would you do m>im>f you were m>im>n my shoes Boom a letter oops another sum>im>cm>im>de Meet me ...
陈伟联 - Heaven Knows
...an do m>im>s hope and pray ’Cause heaven knows My frm>im>ends keep tellm>im>n’ me m>Thatm> m>im>f you rem>allm>y love her You’ve gotta set her free And m>im>f she returns m>im>n km>im>nd m>Im>’ll know she’s mm>im>ne So tell me where do m>Im> start ’Cause m>im>t’s breakm>im>n’ my heart Don’t wanna let her go Maybe my love wm>im>ll come ba...
Tata Young - Bad Boys,Sad Gm>im>rls
... a poker face most gm>im>rls would buy but la la la m>Im>
Recent rumors tells me
m>Thatm> you’ve been gom>im>ng crazy
You don’t know m>im>f, You should laugh or cry
You dm>im>dn’t thm>im>nk m>thatm> m>Im> would
Never thought m>thatm> m>Im> could
Say no to you, let me tell you why
m>Im> walk a step ahead of you
Cause m>Im> see myself m>im>n ...
歌手:Tata Young
专辑:爱的冒险/m>Im> Belm>im>eve
Fam>im>th Hm>im>ll - Breathe(lune版)
...h Hm>im>ll
m>Im> can feel the magm>im>c floatm>im>ng m>im>n the am>im>r
Bem>im>ng wm>im>th you gets me m>thatm> way
m>Im> watch the sunlm>im>ght dance across your face and m>Im>'ve
Never been thm>im>s swept away
m>Allm> my thoughts seem to settle on the breeze
When m>Im>'m lym>im>ng wrapped up m>im>n your arms
The whole world just fades away
The only thm>im>ng...
歌手:Fam>im>th Hm>im>ll
纪佳松 - 最后的晚餐
... last supper we had The dm>im>nner was ready but m>Im> couldn’t taste a thm>im>ng (m>Thatm>’s for real) You sam>im>d you’re gonna walk away And m>Im> could feel thm>im>s pam>im>n You’ve crucm>im>fm>im>ed me Dm>im>d you thm>im>nk of what we had? (No) When the bm>im>ll m>im>s pam>im>d and you just walked away (头也不回) You dm>im>dn’t lea...
Kelm>im>s - Lm>im>l Star
...there’s so many others around
When deep m>im>nsm>im>de you feels the darkest
m>Thatm> m>im>s where m>Im> can always be found
Just keep trym>im>ng & trym>im>ng
m>Im>t’s just a matter of tm>im>mm>im>ng
Though the grm>im>ndm>im>ng m>im>s tm>im>rm>im>ng
Don’t let m>im>t stop you from smm>im>lm>im>ng
Just keep trym>im>ng & trym>im>ng
Sooner or la...
专辑:The Hm>im>ts
The Glorm>im>ous Unseen - m>Allm> Around
...my cry of desperatm>im>on once agam>im>n.
m>Im> look m>im>nto Your eyes
and know a love m>thatm> has no end.
Oh Your love has no end, oh Lord.
Wm>im>ll You pour out? And so, wm>im>ll You pour out?
When m>allm> around m>im>s crashm>im>ng down,
m>Im> fm>im>nd myself alm>im>ve m>im>n You. Holy one, renew
When m>allm> around m>im>s crashm>im>ng down,
m>Im> fm>im>...
歌手:The Glorm>im>ous Unseen
专辑:The Hope m>Thatm> Lm>im>es m>Im>n You
侧田 - 世界小姐
...onna let u go m>im> m just never gonna let u go baby m>im>t takes 2 to work m>im>t out m>thatm> m>im>s what m>im>t's m>allm> about m>im>t takes 2 to work m>im>t out after sunny days m>im>t comes the ram>im>n just lm>im>ke m>allm> them lovers holdm>im>ng hands just lm>im>ke every love song has to end 谈及相貌 姿色超班一百分 谈及智力 分析m>im>q...
尚雯婕 - 废弃的爱
...t A pm>im>ece of desperatm>im>on Came broke me down Now you come back to me Saym>im>ng m>thatm> you stm>im>ll love me m>Im>t’s bullshm>im>t You’re just trym>im>ng to fool me m>Im>’m dead to you Lm>im>ke you’re dead to me Keep m>thatm> m>im>n mm>im>nd You selfm>im>sh pathetm>im>c type Ah… Now you lost me m>Im>s m>thatm> what you need m>Im>t’s lm>im>ke a movm>im>e Bu...
U2 - Vertm>im>go (Redanka Power Mm>im>x)
...y of m>im>nk wm>im>th gold
They twm>im>nkle as the boys play rock and roll
They know m>thatm> they can’t dance - at least they know
m>Im> can’t stand the beat
m>Im>’m askm>im>ng for the cheque
Gm>im>rl wm>im>th crm>im>mson nam>im>ls
m>Im>t's Jesus 'round her neck
Swm>im>ngm>im>ng to the musm>im>c Whoooaaa
Swm>im>ngm>im>ng to the musm>im>c Whoooaaa
专辑:Sometm>im>mes You Cant Make m>Im>t on Your Own (CD-Sm>Im>NGLE
Sm>im>mple Plan - Crash And Burn
...ake on the world
We just don’t care at m>allm>
m>Im> never wanted to belm>im>eve m>thatm> you could lm>im>e
m>Thatm> frm>im>ends decem>im>ve
And here m>Im> stand m>Im>’m stm>im>ll the same
m>Im> watched you change
You wont come back
m>Im> wonder what m>im>t’s lm>im>ke to be lm>im>ke you
(m>Im> wonder what m>im>t’s lm>im>ke to be lm>im>ke you)
To ...
歌手:Sm>im>mple Plan
davm>im>d guetta、Ne-Yo、akon - Play hard
...ta - Play Hard (Feat. Ne-Yo、akon) Come on baby and drop thm>im>s Scrub m>thatm> floor and just mop m>im>t Show these gangsters how you cock block m>im>t Don’t care what you got m>im>n your pocket m>Im> get the way m>thatm> you rockm>im>n’ Flm>im>p m>thatm> thang thang don’t stop m>im>t When m>Im> just bang bang and pop m>im>t Whm>im>l...
歌手:davm>im>d guetta、Ne-Yo、akon