JW - Could u be my frm>im>end
... Could u be my frm>im>end JW 歌词编辑:容ルQQ:461069316 m>Im> need a frm>im>end m>Thatm>’ll cm>allm> me up to go out after work Don’t need no frm>im>end m>Thatm>’ll have me spendm>im>ng m>allm> my tm>im>me wm>im>th jerks m>Im> need a frm>im>end m>Thatm> won’t have a problem pm>im>ckm>im>ng up the cheque m>Im> need a frm>im>end m>Thatm> wm>im>ll pull me out the ...
Creature - Brm>im>gm>im>tte Bardot
...e to lm>im>sten to my rhythm and leave thm>im>s town
`Cause m>Im> want to hm>im>t a place m>thatm> m>im>s off the ground
So m>Im> get m>im>nto a spaceshm>im>p and get up to get down
m>Im>t`s a quarter to three, you take me off of my feet
m>Im> fm>im>nm>allm>y got my release.. yeah, yeah, yeah!
m>Im>`m just a slave to the beat, thm>im>s m>im>s just what m>Im> ...
专辑:No Sleep At m>Allm>
Ke$ha - Crazy Km>im>ds
...r? Tonm>im>ght we do m>im>t bm>im>g, and shm>im>ne lm>im>ke stars We don’t gm>im>ve a fuck cause m>thatm>’s just who we are And we are, we are we are, we are we are The crazy km>im>ds, them crazy, them crazy km>im>ds And we are, we are we are, we are we are The crazy km>im>ds, we are the We are the crazy people m>Im> see ya m>im>n the club sh...
A Fm>im>ne Frenzy - The Mm>im>nnow & The Trout
...ay servm>im>ces
Hummm>im>ng bm>im>rd
Takm>im>ng coffee wm>im>th the m>im>ncense
Please, m>Im> know m>thatm> we're dm>im>fferent
We were both once out m>im>n the sea m>im>n the begm>im>nnm>im>ng
And what we're made of
m>Allm> the same parts
We're not m>thatm> dm>im>fferent after m>allm>
Help me out sam>im>d the eagle to the duck
m>Im>'ve fm>allm>en fro...
歌手:A Fm>im>ne Frenzy
专辑:One Cell m>im>n the Sea
尚雯婕 - Useless Love
... A pm>im>ece of desperatm>im>on Came broke me down Now you come back to me Saym>im>ng m>thatm> you stm>im>ll love me m>Im>t’s bullshm>im>t You’re just trym>im>ng to fool me m>Im>’m dead to you Lm>im>ke you’re dead to me Keep m>thatm> m>im>n mm>im>nd You selfm>im>sh pathetm>im>c type Now you lost me m>Im>s m>thatm> what you need m>Im>t’s lm>im>ke a movm>im>e But m>im>...
Blue - Love At Fm>im>rst Sm>im>ght
... comes my way,
Do you belm>im>eve m>im>n love at fm>im>rst sm>im>ght,
Tell me does m>thatm> book m>thatm> you are readm>im>ng
Tell the story of your lm>im>fe
Do you belm>im>eve m>im>n love at fm>im>rst sm>im>ght
Should m>Im> walk on by,
Turn a blm>im>nd eye, to love
Love at fm>im>rst sm>im>ght
m>Im> could be the man for you
m>Im> can make m>allm> your dream...
专辑:Best Of Blue
有里知花 - Pray You’ll Come Back(Share The Aloha)
...l come back to me
Your precm>im>ous love m>im>s m>allm> m>Im> have, oh why
m>Im> only hope m>thatm> you would stm>im>ll be my guy
So m>Im> get down on my knees
And pray you’ll come back to me
How could m>Im> be so foolm>im>sh, how could m>Im> be so blm>im>nd
How could m>Im> let our perfect love leave me so far behm>im>nd
m>Im> swear, cross my he...
专辑:Good Luck To You
Ace Hood - Mama(feat.Betty Wrm>im>ght)
...leven specm>im>al, m>Im> was born m>im>n God’s favorMama gave bm>im>rth m>im>n tears through m>thatm> hard labelm>Im> just wanna thank you, am>im>n`t no way m>Im> could repay youStrongest woman m>thatm> m>Im> know, you’ve been my motm>im>vatorAnd just know m>Im>’ll be everythm>im>ng m>thatm> you sam>im>d m>Im> wouldOnly focus m>im>s hopm>im>ng m>thatm> m>allm> my famm>im>ly goodA...
歌手:Ace Hood
专辑:Trm>im>als & Trm>im>bulatm>im>ons (Deluxe Versm>im>on)
Matt Brouwer - m>Allm> The Way
...n my own
There’s a dark cloud over every step m>Im> take
Lm>im>ke a sm>im>ckness m>thatm> the body just can’t shake
There’s a thm>im>rst m>thatm> my addm>im>ctm>im>ons cannot quell
So lead me on and out Of where m>Im>’m prone to dwell
m>Allm> the way back home
To a place of rest for every weary soul
m>Allm> the way back home
歌手:Matt Brouwer
专辑:Where's Our Revolutm>im>on
the cardm>im>gans - Losm>im>ng A Frm>im>end
...r agam>im>n
And now m>Im>’m losm>im>ng you
And m>im>t's km>im>llm>im>ng me
m>Im>t's the strm>im>ngs m>thatm> m>Im> tm>im>e
m>Im> would rather just dm>im>e
Go to hell and crawl back
Then let m>im>t m>allm> go
My mm>im>stake
To lose you
Oh no, oh no!
So thm>im>s the end now
m>Im>'m losm>im>ng you
Oh, look at you!
Look what you're wastm>im>ng
You're losm>im>ng a ...
歌手:the cardm>im>gans
专辑:Super Extra Gravm>im>ty
杜德伟 - My Gm>im>rl
...rtune or fame My gm>im>rl, talkm>im>n\' \'bout my gm>im>rl m>Im> got m>allm> the rm>im>ches, baby, m>thatm> one man can clam>im>m Hey, hey, hey m>Im> don\'t need money, fortune or fame m>Im> guess you\'ll say What can make me feel thm>im>s way? m>Im> got m>allm> the rm>im>ches, baby, m>thatm> one man can clam>im>m m>Im> guess you\'ll say m>Im>\'ve got sunshm>im>ne on a clou...
专辑:The One You Love
Belle and Sebastm>im>an - Funny Lm>im>ttle Frog
m>Im> had a conversatm>im>on wm>im>th you at nm>im>ght
m>Im>t’s a lm>im>ttle one sm>im>ded but m>thatm>’s m>allm>rm>im>ght
m>Im> tell you m>im>n the km>im>tchen about my day
You sm>im>t on the bed m>im>n the dark changm>im>ng places
Wm>im>th the ghost m>thatm> was there before you came
You’ve come to save my lm>im>fe agam>im>n
m>Im> don’t dare to touch your hand
歌手:Belle and Sebastm>im>an
专辑:The Lm>im>fe Pursum>im>t
Audm>im>oslave - Dandelm>im>on
A yellow flower wm>im>th your pedals to the am>im>r
And flym>im>ng on paper wm>im>ngs m>thatm> brought you here
Summer rolls on m>im>n the lazy hours
An ether dream way
Of hummm>im>ngbm>im>rds and clouds
Mm>im>dnm>im>ght swm>im>ms m>im>n the cool back waves
And you m>im>n my arms as m>im>t rolls away
Lm>im>ttle dandelm>im>on
Let your heart keep tm>im>m...
专辑:Out Of Exm>im>le
尚雯婕 - Back to The World
m>Im>’ve conquered m>Im>’ve suffered Now m>Im>’m back m>im>n here m>Im> wm>im>sh m>thatm> lm>im>fe could change m>Im>t could have been A dm>im>fferent way When you’re m>im>n the dark You feel the pam>im>n You count the days Stm>im>ll no way to escape m>Im>n the tunnel Never lose your heart Never lose your fam>im>th Never lose your way Hold on to y...
Sarah Brm>im>ghtman - m>Allm> m>Im> Ask of You
...ummertm>im>me . . .
Say you need me wm>im>th you,now and always . . .
promm>im>se me m>thatm> m>allm>
you say m>im>s true -
m>thatm>’s m>allm> m>Im> ask of you . . .
Let me be your shelter,
let me be your lm>im>ght.
You’re safe:
No-one wm>im>ll fm>im>nd you.
your fears are far behm>im>nd you . . .
m>Allm> m>Im> want m>im>s freedom,
a world wm>im>th no...
歌手:Sarah Brm>im>ghtman
m-mac - Sexy Gm>im>rls
...Sexy Gm>im>rls(Feat.Hersh)
m>Im> love sexy gm>im>rls especm>im>m>allm>y the freaks
m>Thatm>’s less work for me
She love to clm>im>mb on top, and lm>im>ck the lollm>im>pop
m>Thatm>’s m>allm> m>im> need
m>Im> love sexy gm>im>rls especm>im>m>allm>y the freaks
m>Thatm>’s less work for me
She love to clm>im>mb on top, and lm>im>ck the lollm>im>pop
m>Thatm>’s al...
感谢 向阳坡上 分享
Lm>im>nkm>im>n Park - Part Of Me
...s are
and now m>Im>’m sm>im>ck of thm>im>s.
m>Im> can’t stand the sandpaper thoughts m>thatm> grate on my sanm>im>ty.
m>Im>’d rather not even be
than the man m>thatm>’s starm>im>ng m>im>n the mm>im>rror through me.
Cut myself free
wm>im>llm>im>ngly stop just what’s km>im>llm>im>ng me.
Cut myself free
wm>im>llm>im>ngly stop just what’s km>im>llm>im>ng me....
歌手:Lm>im>nkm>im>n Park
专辑:Songs From The Underground
Brm>im>an Melo - m>Allm> m>Im> Ever Wanted
...m>im>n my way
You’re m>allm> m>Im> ever wanted
m>Im> dm>im>dn’t see how m>im>t could change
m>Thatm> somethm>im>ng was mm>im>ssm>im>ng untm>im>l today
The cm>im>ty comes alm>im>ve
As soon as you walk through the door
Another sleepless nm>im>ght
But m>Im> don’t wanna sleep anymore
m>Im> don’t wanna sleep anymore
Thm>im>s m>im>s m>allm> m>Im> ever wanted
But l...
歌手:Brm>im>an Melo
专辑:Lm>im>vm>im>n' m>Im>t
Aqua - Lollm>im>pop
... from Bountyland..
m>Im> am the Candyman
Comm>im>ng from Bountyland..
m>Im> wm>im>sh m>thatm> you were my Lollm>im>pop.
Sweet thm>im>ngs, m>Im> wm>im>ll never get enough..
m>Im>f you show me to the sugar tree,
wm>im>ll you gm>im>ve me a sodapop for free..
Come wm>im>th me Honey,
m>Im>''m your sweet sugar Candyman..
Run lm>im>ke the wm>im>nd
Brm>im>tney Spears - Telephone
... a drm>im>nk m>im>n my hand, eh…
You shoulda made some plans wm>im>th me,
you knew m>thatm> m>Im> was free.
And now you won't stop cm>allm>m>im>ng me;
m>Im>'m km>im>nda busy.
Stop cm>allm>m>im>n', stop cm>allm>m>im>n',
m>Im> don't wanna thm>im>nk anymore!
m>Im> left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop cm>allm>m>im>n', stop cm>allm>m>im>n',
m>Im> don't wanna t...
歌手:Brm>im>tney Spears
专辑:Brand New Brm>im>t (Deluxe Edm>im>tm>im>on)