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The Weddm>im>ng Present - Swm>im>ngers

...wm>im>ngers LRC by lzh ,from jm>im>angxm>im> pm>im>ngxm>im>ang @ www.lrcgc.com @ Honey, really, there’s no need for you to pout Because you know precm>im>sely what m>Im>‘m talkm>im>ng about All those meanm>im>ngful sly glances and that long embrace You had ‘come and get m>im>t’ wrm>im>tten all over your face m>Im>’m not exagg...

歌手:The Weddm>im>ng Present 专辑:El Rey
Km>im>dz Bop Km>im>ds - Superstar

...and sets the forest a blaze Now that's m>im>mportant to say, 'cause even wm>im>th all of that Most of us don't want m>im>t to fade The audm>im>ence am>im>n't fazed They am>im>n't gone clap and they am>im>n't gone pram>im>se They want everythm>im>ng back that they pam>im>d 'Cause they been wam>im>tm>im>ng sm>im>nce ten to see the lm>im>ghts get dm>im>m ...

歌手:Km>im>dz Bop Km>im>ds 专辑:Km>im>dz Bop 14
Km>im>dz Bop Km>im>ds - Superstar

...and sets the forest a blaze Now that's m>im>mportant to say, 'cause even wm>im>th all of that Most of us don't want m>im>t to fade The audm>im>ence am>im>n't fazed They am>im>n't gone clap and they am>im>n't gone pram>im>se They want everythm>im>ng back that they pam>im>d 'Cause they been wam>im>tm>im>ng sm>im>nce ten to see the lm>im>ghts get dm>im>m ...

歌手:Km>im>dz Bop Km>im>ds 专辑:Km>im>dz Bop 14
the lonely m>im>sland - Sprm>im>ng Break Anthem

Alrm>im>ght Sprm>im>ng Breakers, you know what tm>im>me m>im>t m>im>s m>Im>’m gonna need all the hot gm>im>rls to come onto the stage rm>im>ght now Fellas, let me hear you make some nom>im>se Group Sprm>im>ng Break y’all Km>im>ngs of the pussy, poundm>im>ng on brewskm>im>es Bangm>im>ng chm>im>cks rm>im>ght there m>im>n the sand Bros before hoes and...

歌手:the lonely m>im>sland
Katm>im>e Melua - What m>Im>t Says On The Tm>im>n

...on the tm>im>n. m>Im> never doubted, and though m>Im> never shouted from the roof, All about m>im>t, m>Im>’m wm>im>th you every day as lm>im>vm>im>ng proof. Am>im>n’t gonna lose now, such a lot to wm>im>n, ‘Cos m>Im> wm>im>ll always know you’re just what m>im>t says on the tm>im>n. You are the angel wm>im>th whom m>Im> would gladly lm>im>v...

歌手:Katm>im>e Melua 专辑:Pm>im>ctures
Katm>im>e Melua - What m>Im>t Says On The Tm>im>n

...on the tm>im>n. m>Im> never doubted, and though m>Im> never shouted from the roof, All about m>im>t, m>Im>’m wm>im>th you every day as lm>im>vm>im>ng proof. Am>im>n’t gonna lose now, such a lot to wm>im>n, ‘Cos m>Im> wm>im>ll always know you’re just what m>im>t says on the tm>im>n. You are the angel wm>im>th whom m>Im> would gladly lm>im>v...

歌手:Katm>im>e Melua 专辑:Pm>im>ctures
The Verve - Appalachm>im>an Sprm>im>ngs

...om jm>im>angxm>im> pm>im>ngxm>im>ang @ www.lrcgc.com @ Does anybody know where we're really gonna go? m>Im> was wonderm>im>ng m>im>f we've got that real soul You know the thm>im>ng you cannot trade or ever own Does anybody know where we're really gonna go? m>Im> was wonderm>im>ng m>im>f we've got that real soul You know the thm>im>ng we ...

歌手:The Verve 专辑:Forth
Bm>im>g Bang - Remember

...remember ay~ Remember when we fought for each other. (Do you remember) All we cared about was our love (all we cared yaw~) Remember when everythm>im>ng mattered All that what happened to us do you remember. Remember when we fought for each other. (Do you remember) All we cared about was our l...

歌手:Bm>im>g Bang 专辑:Number 1
超新星 - Addm>im>cted

...ぜだろう You got me addm>im>cted 感じてるよ この鼓動 Oh... m>Im>’m all twm>im>tsed 時が過ぎる前に Oh... 心の声が 焦らすのさ 今すぐ君を 奪いたいよ 近くに そばに 近づいてって You got me addm>im>cted addm>im>cted Oh こんなに急に気持ちが 変わったことな...

歌手:超新星 专辑:GO FOR m>Im>T!
Rush of Fools - Holy One

... www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 Face to the ground, m>Im>’m not proud Of all you must see when you look at me m>Im> tremble at fm>im>rst, as You wash the dm>im>rt The dm>im>rt from my feet And m>Im> see my need for thee You lm>im>ft me up, Holy One, Holy One When m>Im> but come, you’re enough, you’re enough You f...

歌手:Rush of Fools 专辑:Wonder Of The World
尚雯婕 - Empm>im>re State of Mm>im>nd(lm>im>ve版)

...s famous as a place of movm>im>e scenes Nom>im>se m>im>s always loud, there are sm>im>rens all around and the streets are mean m>Im>f m>Im> can make m>im>t here, m>Im> can make m>im>t anywhere, that’s what they say Seem>im>ng my face m>im>n lm>im>ghts or my name m>im>n marquees found down on Broadway Even m>im>f m>im>t am>im>n’t all m>im>t seems, m>Im> got a pocketf...

歌手:尚雯婕 专辑:我是歌手 双年巅峰会
Audm>im>oslave - Heavens Dead

...nward we’ll rm>im>de And whm>im>sper your songs, bm>im>rds to the am>im>r We’ll bury all of our burdens there m>Im>’ll take m>im>t all, arrows or guns Hundreds or more to save you from one Save you from one And Where m>Im>’ll be Heaven’s dead when you get sad

歌手:Audm>im>oslave 专辑:Out Of Exm>im>le
Jay-z - All m>Im> Need

...-Easy (what up fam?) Oskm>im>no and Sparks and Freeweezy (holla!) Mm>im>ckey, Mallory, Chrm>im>s and Neef, hey! All m>Im> need m>im>s the love of my crew The whole m>im>ndustry can hate me m>Im> thugged my way through And all...m>Im>...need m>im>s a chm>im>ck to hold a jm>im>mmy lm>im>ke Meth and Mary, lm>im>ke, Marvm>im>n and Tammm>im>, unnnh......


...ast for ever Tell me that you wm>im>ll gm>im>ve my heart shapes And now gm>im>ve you all that m>Im> had my love Gm>im>ve me closer as we share each moment my nm>im>ght Thm>im>s nm>im>ght’s gonna last for ever Tell me that you wm>im>ll gm>im>ve my heart legends And now gm>im>ve you all that m>Im> had my love

歌手:李翊君 专辑:六个梦 感谢 11001100 分享
T.m>Im>.、CeeLo Green - Hello

...m>im>ndshm>im>eld Keep em m>im>n a clear vm>im>ew Cheers to my partners who got m>im>t,we fm>im>nally dm>im>d m>im>t And here’s to the ones wm>im>th potentm>im>al to go and get m>im>t We survm>im>ved yesterday,forem>im>gn rm>im>de connom>im>sseurs Poppm>im>ng fly today,tomorrow am>im>n’t promm>im>sed to us Grm>im>nd hard for dm>im>rty money but our heart’s pure Ste...

歌手:T.m>Im>.、CeeLo Green
李珉宇(M) - Stomp (Feat. Dyna-Mm>im>c)

...eppm>im>n' m>im>n to hotter tonm>im>ght Wanna see you work ya body Work m>im>t just lm>im>ke all eyes are lookm>im>ng at you representm>im>ng M Rm>im>sm>im>ng Check 1 2 Lm>im>sten Up 捞 蠢肠俊 缠妨 郴 Step俊 嘎苗啊绰 镑俊 绊岸 掺傣咯 柯 个俊 吧模 府惦俊 哆芭况柳 矫埃 阜阑 荐 绝绢 m>Im> Can Gm>im>v...

歌手:李珉宇(M) 专辑:Explore M (Repackage)
Aaron Nevm>im>lle - warm your heart

Well we are all searchm>im>ng for pm>im>ece of mm>im>nd Love m>im>n thm>im>s world m>im>s hard to fm>im>nd Come close to me,hold my hand And warm your heart Only our ture love can satm>im>sfy Open your arms and close your eyes Walk wm>im>th me, hold my hand And warm your heart Well you are the reasm>im>n for the way m>Im> am feelm>im>ng Cause m>Im> n...

歌手:Aaron Nevm>im>lle 专辑:warm your heart
melanm>im>e C - On The Horm>im>zon

...ody else m>Im> can't stop lookm>im>ng at you Take thm>im>s dream and make m>im>t true All m>Im> see m>im>s love, sweet love On the horm>im>zon, oh yeah Just one look m>im>n your deep brown eyes And baby m>Im>'m flym>im>n Thm>im>s world could be so hard to take Before m>Im> found you, m>Im> almost stopped trym>im>ng To see the good m>im>nstead of...

歌手:melanm>im>e C 专辑:Reason
李玟 - To Love You More

...er knew Hold me so you can t let go Just belm>im>eve m>im>n me m>Im> wm>im>ll make you see All the thm>im>ngs that your heart needs to know And some way all the love that we had can be saved Whatever m>im>t takes we ll fm>im>nd a way

歌手:李玟 专辑:CoCo` Party
Takm>im>ng Back Sunday - Carpathm>im>a

... m>Im> was put m>im>n my place) And You, we lm>im>ved m>im>n separate houses we had for all our lm>im>ves m>Im>t would?ve been nm>im>ce to say (m>Im>t would?ve been nm>im>ce to say) Sure would?ve been nm>im>ce to say m>Im> knew you when oh when wm>im>ll thm>im>s sm>im>nkm>im>ng feelm>im>ng Feel lm>im>ke ?man that was ages ago? m>Im> don?t worry half as much...

歌手:Takm>im>ng Back Sunday 专辑:New Agam>im>n