倪安东 - m>Allm> My Love
...your hand and together we'll leave footprm>im>nts m>im>n the sand You’re the one m>thatm> makes me be a better man and m>Im>’m your man so what’s the plan for when the clouds wm>im>th them>im>r frowns come we'll turn them wm>im>th a smm>im>le We'll be sm>im>ngm>im>ng m>im>n the ram>im>n, we'll sm>im>ng m>im>t loud we sm>im>ng m>im>t proud m>thatm> when you ru...
感谢 D.J. 分享
melanm>im>e C - On The Horm>im>zon
...opped trym>im>ng
To see the good m>im>nstead of the bad
But your hearts so true, m>thatm> baby m>Im>'m crym>im>n
And every sm>im>ngle tm>im>me we meet
m>Im> learn what love m>im>s for
m>Im>t's takm>im>ng less and gm>im>vm>im>ng more
m>Allm> m>Im> see m>im>s love, sweet love
On the horm>im>zon, oh yeah
Just one look m>im>n your deep brown eyes
And baby m>Im>'m f...
歌手:melanm>im>e C
Jason Mraz - m>Im>f m>Im>t Km>im>lls Me
... would be such a beautm>im>ful moment
To see the look on your face
To know m>thatm> m>Im> know m>thatm> you know now
And baby m>thatm>’s a case of my wm>im>shful thm>im>nkm>im>ng
You know nothm>im>ng
Cause you and m>Im>
Why, we go carrym>im>ng on for hours, on and
We get along much better
Than you and your boyfrm>im>end
歌手:Jason Mraz
专辑:We Sm>im>ng, We Dance, We Steal Thm>im>ngs
Shanm>im>a Twam>im>n - m>Im>’m Gonna Get You Good!
...to run , honey
love can be fun
m>Im>t's no need to be alone
when you fm>im>nd m>thatm> someone
(m>Im>'m gonna getcha)
m>Im>'m gonna getcha whm>im>le m>Im> gotcha m>im>n sm>im>ght
(m>Im>'m gonna getcha)
m>Im>'m gonna getcha m>im>f m>im>t takes m>allm> nm>im>ght
(Yeah, you can betcha)
You can betcha by the tm>im>me m>Im> say “go,”
you'll never say ...
歌手:Shanm>im>a Twam>im>n
BENm>Im> - 小さな恋のうた
...ttle town where the ocean never ends Remm>im>nm>im>sce the day we met, everythm>im>ng m>thatm> we’ve been through Wrote a lm>im>ttle love letter sealed m>im>t wm>im>th a km>im>ss for you Hear the sound echo so sweet but tm>im>me won’t wam>im>t for nobody Though we laughed ’tm>im>l the mornm>im>ng, countless nm>im>ghts m>Im> crm>im>ed to sleep ’cross...
专辑:Covers: 2
梁静茹 - Way Back m>Im>nto Love
...efuse to shm>im>ne m>Im>\'ve been searchm>im>ng but m>Im> just don\'t see the sm>im>gns m>Im> know m>thatm> m>im>t\'s out there There\'s gotta be somethm>im>ng for my soul somewhere m>Im>\'ve been lookm>im>ng for someone to shed some lm>im>ght Not somebody just to get me through the nm>im>ght m>Im> could use some dm>im>rectm>im>on And m>Im>\'m open to your suggestm>im>o...
Babyface - When Your Body Gets Weak
...et m>im>t on baby
Tonm>im>ght there be no m>im>ntermm>im>ssm>im>ons
m>Im> have only one mm>im>ssm>im>on
m>Thatm>’s turnm>im>ng you on
Tonm>im>ght you don’t have to be lonely
You need only to cm>allm> me
And m>Im> wm>im>ll be down
专辑:The Day
Delacey - Dream m>im>t Possm>im>ble
...ream, untm>im>l m>Im> make m>im>t real, and m>allm> m>Im> see m>im>s stars m>Im>ts not untm>im>l you fm>allm> m>thatm> you fly When your dreams come alm>im>ve you’re unstoppable Take a shot, chase the sun, fm>im>nd the beautm>im>ful We wm>im>ll glow m>im>n the dark turnm>im>ng dust to gold And we’ll dream m>im>t possm>im>ble m>Im> wm>im>ll chase, m>Im> wm>im>ll reach, m>Im> wm>im>ll ...
Anastacm>im>a - m>Im> Cm>allm> m>Im>t Love
...am>im>n’t gon’ try to escape hm>im>s sweet prm>im>son.
Oh so what makes you thm>im>nk m>thatm> m>Im> mm>im>ght need rescum>im>ng?
m>Im>s thm>im>s how m>im>t feels?
Am m>Im> losm>im>ng my mm>im>nd?
Cause everyone keeps trym>im>n’ to save me.
m>Im>’m head over heels,
m>Im> can’t get enough.
And m>Im> know people mm>im>ght cm>allm> m>im>t crazy,
But m>Im> cm>allm> m>im>t love ...
专辑:Heavy Rotatm>im>on
Westlm>im>fe - How Does m>Im>t Feel
...tm>im>l m>Im>''ll tell you how m>im>t feels
To be cradled lm>im>ke my dreams
And to know m>thatm> you love me
No more wastm>im>ng tm>im>me m>im>n askm>im>ng other people
How does m>im>t feel
How does m>im>t feel
Forever taken you for granted
You gm>im>ve me everythm>im>ng m>Im> wanted
m>Im>''m so afram>im>d m>thatm> m>Im> mm>im>ght lose you
专辑:Greatest Hm>im>ts
T.m>Im>.、CeeLo Green - Hello
... There’s some jealousy m>im>n your rearvm>im>ew Wave hello,hello,hello… Push m>thatm> pedal to the max Count m>thatm> money m>thatm>’s m>im>n your lap There’s some jealousy m>im>n your rearvm>im>ew Hello,hello,hello… Hello… Hello… Hello… Wave hello,hello,hello… Envy m>im>n my rearvm>im>ew Mm>im>ls m>im>n my wm>im>ndshm>im>eld...
歌手:T.m>Im>.、CeeLo Green
黄立成 - playboy(englm>im>sh versm>im>on)
...ant get enough cuz
m>im> stands fo m>im>nternatm>im>onal
m>im> be playa fo lm>im>fe cuz
m>im>-p m>thatm>’s how we gom>im>n out
baby boy m>im>’m so m>im>nto you,
baby boy m>im> rem>allm>y want to
baby boy m>im> thm>im>nk m>im> love you
too many woman not enough tm>im>me
baby boy m>im>’m so m>im>nto you,
baby boy m>im> rem>allm>y want to
baby boy m>im> thm>im>nk m>im> love yo...
Westlm>im>fe - Catch My Breath
...gh school
When m>Im> fm>im>rst met you
Even then you were the prettm>im>est gm>im>rl
m>Thatm> m>Im> ever knew
And we carved our name on
Everythm>im>ng m>thatm> we could fm>im>nd
The way m>thatm> m>allm> km>im>ds do
And although tm>im>me has passed
m>Im> stm>im>ll get surprm>im>sed
At the pullm>im>ng m>im>n my chest
When m>Im> know you’re comm>im>ng by
专辑:Back Home
Marm>im>o - Somebody Else
... somebody else You left me for somebody else m>Im> never saw the day comm>im>ng m>Thatm> you would ever wanna leave me Baby you told me no matter where you are You’d always be wm>im>th me Always be for me, yea baby Now m>Im>’m m>allm> alone Sam>im>d she wanna be gone yea m>Im> don’t rem>allm>y lm>im>ke m>im>t But m>Im> gotta take ...
李玟 - To Love You More
...lm>im>ke you dm>im>d before Touch me once agam>im>n And remember when There was no one m>thatm> you wanted more Don t go you know you wm>im>ll break my heart She won t love you lm>im>ke m>Im> wm>im>ll m>Im> m the one who ll stay When she walks away And you know m>Im> ll be standm>im>ng here stm>im>ll m>Im> ll be wam>im>tm>im>ng for you Here m>im>nsm>im>de my heart m>Im>...
专辑:CoCo` Party
Justm>im>n Bm>im>eber - Alone
Then our love was m>im>nterrupted
By my schedule
There was nothm>im>ng m>thatm> m>Im> could do
‘Cause you fell m>im>nto the deepest depressm>im>on baby
And m>Im> hate to know m>Im>’m responsm>im>ble
Then your heart fm>im>lls up wm>im>th so much aggressm>im>on baby
You got used to bem>im>ng alone
Alone you adapted
Now you...
歌手:Justm>im>n Bm>im>eber
感谢 c1026287787 分享
Sm>im>mply Red - The Am>im>r m>Thatm> m>Im> Breathe Reprm>im>se
The Am>im>r m>Thatm> m>Im> Breathe Reprm>im>se
Words and musm>im>c Hammond/Hazelwood
Lyrm>im>cs re-wrm>im>tten by Wm>im>llm>im>am Turpm>im>n and Stevm>im>e J Jordan
m>Im>f m>Im> could make a wm>im>sh m>Im> thm>im>nk m>Im>'d pass
Can't thm>im>nk of anythm>im>ng m>Im> need
No cm>im>garettes, no sleep, no lm>im>ght, no sound
Can't thm>im>nk of anythm>im>ng m>Im> need
歌手:Sm>im>mply Red
Brm>im>an Melo - Century
...beat of the hour
Sweetness, the bubble dm>im>d burst
Maybe for the better
m>Thatm> m>Im> knew fm>im>rst
Gm>im>ven m>allm> the secrets
You had to fm>im>nd
Well, everyone’s got needs, but,
What about mm>im>ne
m>Im> stumbled through the fm>im>re on my own
Burns a lm>im>ttle more now, the seasons are gone
Centurm>im>es spent together, b...
歌手:Brm>im>an Melo
专辑:Lm>im>vm>im>n' m>Im>t
Usher - Do m>Im>t To Me
...Ooh no no, no no no no…
[Verse 1:]
m>Im> got two-dozen roses,
and a card m>thatm> says baby m>Im> can’t wam>im>t to see you later
We made dm>im>nner reservatm>im>ons,
and no rules lm>im>sten chm>im>ld you just pm>im>ck the locatm>im>on
Now we’re sm>im>ttm>im>ng at the table sm>im>ppm>im>n’the fm>im>nest wm>im>ne havm>im>ng a damn good tm>im>me
m>Im> know wha...
Tommy february6 - RUNAWAY
...omehow Don’t be scared Don’t just stand there and stare m>Im> need to know m>thatm> you care m>Allm> your lm>im>es So frustratm>im>ng to hear m>Im>n your eyes m>Im> can see your fear Don’t be scared To come closer to me You need to know m>thatm> you’re free Runaway Just come and take me anywhere Far away You know a place?...
歌手:Tommy february6