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Brm>im>tney Spears - Touch Of My Hand

m>Im>'m not ashamed of the thm>im>ngs that m>Im> dream m>Im> found myself flm>im>rtm>im>ng wm>im>th the verge of obscene m>Im>nto the unknown, m>Im> wm>im>ll be bold m>Im>;m gom>im>ng to places m>Im> can be out of control And m>Im> don't want to explam>im>n tonm>im>ght All the thm>im>ngs m>Im>'ve trm>im>ed to hm>im>de m>Im> shut myself out from the world so m>Im> can...

歌手:Brm>im>tney Spears 专辑:m>Im>n The Zone
Brm>im>an Mcfadden - Sorry Love Daddy

...nd you Sorry, love Daddy Everyday m>im>s fm>im>lled wm>im>th pam>im>n But never feel that you’re to blame Sometm>im>mes lm>im>fe breaks m>im>n mysterm>im>ous ways m>Im> can make m>im>t up to you Belm>im>eve me m>Im> am trym>im>ng to No matter what you’ll always be my babm>im>es Daddy, he’s got to go away Cos there’s just no other ...

歌手:Brm>im>an Mcfadden 专辑:m>Im>rm>im>sh Son
Tm>im>m McGraw - Truck Yeah

...dneck rockm>im>n’ lm>im>ke a rockstar Slm>im>ng a lm>im>l’ mud off the back, we can do that Frm>im>day nm>im>ght football, Saturday Last Call, Sunday Hallelujah m>Im>f you lm>im>ke m>im>t up loud and you’re hm>im>llbm>im>lly proud Then you know what m>Im>’m talkm>im>ng about Let me hear you say, Truck Yeah Wanna get m>im>t jacked up yeah Let’s...

歌手:Tm>im>m McGraw
Countm>im>ng Crows - On Almost Any Sunday Mornm>im>ng

...k m>im>n the mornm>im>ng You keep yourself too clean You dm>im>g yourself a dream That we won’t be comm>im>ng home alone Not thm>im>s tm>im>me Not thm>im>s tm>im>me Not thm>im>s tm>im>me Not thm>im>s tm>im>me

歌手:Countm>im>ng Crows 专辑:Saturday Nm>im>ghts & Sunday Mornm>im>
Mm>im>ndless Behavm>im>or - m>Im> Lean

...ad to do m>im>tShawty she so fm>im>neMan my game m>im>s stupm>im>d (stupm>im>d) (stupm>im>d)DJ run that musm>im>cm>Im> can read her mm>im>nd and she's about to lose m>im>t (lose m>im>t) (lose m>im>t)She's about to lose m>im>tShawty she's so fm>im>neMan, my game m>im>s stupm>im>d (stupm>im>d) (stupm>im>d)DJ run that musm>im>cm>Im> can read her mm>im>nd and she's about to lose m>im>t.Got...

歌手:Mm>im>ndless Behavm>im>or 专辑:All Around the World
Rm>im>cky Ho - The Water m>Im>s Wm>im>ld

... m>im>s wm>im>de, m>Im> cannot get over And nem>im>ther have m>Im> wm>im>ngs to fly Gm>im>ve me a boat that’ll carry two And both shall row, my love and m>Im> Where love m>im>s planted oh there m>im>t grows m>Im>t grows and blossoms lm>im>ke a rose m>Im>t has a sweet and pleasant smell No flower on earth can m>im>t excel The shm>im>p there m>im>s and she sam>im>...

歌手:Rm>im>cky Ho 专辑:星愿 电视原声带
有里知花 - When You Smm>im>le

...me Hold me close Cause you set the fm>im>re burnm>im>ng Take a breath And know that love m>im>s reachm>im>ng out to you When you smm>im>le A lm>im>ght shm>im>nes m>im>n your eye When you smm>im>le A ram>im>nbow fm>im>lls the sky When m>Im>’m feelm>im>ng blue Cause the skm>im>es are gray m>Im> thm>im>nk of you And they melt away There m>im>s love Th...

歌手:有里知花 专辑:Good Luck To You
Brm>im>ght Lm>im>ght Brm>im>ght Lm>im>ght - Grace

...dyyou don’t want to be,To gm>im>ve somebody backwhat you can’t keep.Hopm>im>ng that a lovercan be gracm>im>ous m>im>n defeat,Knowm>im>ng you could never be.m>Im>t takes tm>im>me.And tm>im>me makes me so curm>im>ousthat m>Im> no longer sleep.Tm>im>me makes me so fm>im>cklem>Im> can’t breathe.m>Im> owe so much to love thatm>Im>’m left drm>im>ftm>im>ng on the b...

歌手:Brm>im>ght Lm>im>ght Brm>im>ght Lm>im>ght 专辑:Make Me Belm>im>eve m>im>n Hope
Emm>im>nem - stan

...m>im>f m>Im> could m>im>t'll all be grey, put your pm>im>cture on my wall m>Im>t remm>im>nds me, that m>im>t's not so bad, m>im>t's not so bad.. My tea's gone cold m>Im>'m wonderm>im>ng why m>Im>.. got out of bed at all The mornm>im>ng ram>im>n clouds up my wm>im>ndow.. and m>Im> can't see at all And even m>im>f m>Im> could m>im>t'll all be grey, put your pm>im>ctu...

Emm>im>nem - stan

...m>im>f m>Im> could m>im>t'll all be grey, put your pm>im>cture on my wall m>Im>t remm>im>nds me, that m>im>t's not so bad, m>im>t's not so bad.. My tea's gone cold m>Im>'m wonderm>im>ng why m>Im>.. got out of bed at all The mornm>im>ng ram>im>n clouds up my wm>im>ndow.. and m>Im> can't see at all And even m>im>f m>Im> could m>im>t'll all be grey, put your pm>im>ctu...

狄易达 - Mm>im>ss H.K (Feat. Gold Mountam>im>n)

...s the start of the of the sound when we meet feet to feet And the Shuffle that we do m>im>s the Snare that we’re m>im>n Cause you just won’t let me m>im>n (Put your guard Down) But you deserve me and m>Im> deserve you And you can serve me but m>Im> won’t serve you Now m>Im>’m just km>im>ddm>im>ng lm>im>ke that, m>Im> know you...

歌手:狄易达 专辑:Just Go
Sarah Slean - Wm>im>llow

...m>Im>’m wm>im>shm>im>ng on Wm>im>th all my weary mm>im>nd Tell the trees m>im>f you please That m>im>t m>im>s alrm>im>ght There’ll be better days Wm>im>llow Don’t cry Rm>im>ver bend Rm>im>ver sm>im>gh Rm>im>ver so wm>im>de Wash away the worry From my lonely heart tonm>im>ght Lover comes Lover goes Let hm>im>m go by There’ll ...

歌手:Sarah Slean 专辑:The Baroness
Cram>im>g Davm>im>d - You Don't Mm>im>ss Your Water (Tm>im>l The Well Runs Dry)

...m>im>s growm>im>ng stronger You can call me whenever from wherever Just remember that m>Im>'ll be there Through all the stormy weather Us break up never No we'll be together Forever You don't mm>im>ss your water 'tm>im>l the well runs dry But m>Im> belm>im>eve so strongly m>im>n you and m>Im> Can somebody answer me the quest...

歌手:Cram>im>g Davm>im>d 专辑:Greatest Hm>im>ts
Dragonette - You Please Me

... Someone’s wakm>im>ng up wm>im>th you Someone pretty, someone who you’ll do that thm>im>ng to That you dm>im>d to me m>Im>t’s the only thm>im>ng that m>Im> want lately m>Im> don’t mm>im>ss your company m>Im> just want those hands on me To touch the places underneath You can keep me out of your sm>im>ght, that’s alrm>im>ght ...

歌手:Dragonette 专辑:Galore
Mandy Moore - Walk Me Home

...e... Brm>im>dge: Every day and nm>im>ght m>Im> wanna hold you (Hold you) Understand that m>Im> am gonna love you m>Im>n my own specm>im>al way (Chorus) Home... Baby would you walk me home m>Im> don't wanna go all the way alone Baby would you walk wm>im>th me home Home...Home...won't you walk wm>im>th me home...

歌手:Mandy Moore 专辑:So Real
Group 1 Crew - Tonm>im>ght

... ever afters all you dreamed about nothm>im>ng could be better cuz, you knew that you could make m>im>t through any weather but, t hm>im>ngs changed when he moved away, you were all by yourself through the lonely days, all you could do was pray, then the phone call came (m>Im> thm>im>nk we’re headm>im>ng separat...

歌手:Group 1 Crew 专辑:Ordm>im>nary Dreamers
周予天 - 带你飞

... and lock m>im>t m>im>n cuz 今天我会带你飞 哥会带你飞 thm>im>s m>im>s the flow that people been talkm>im>ng about 玩一整晚的节奏你先别急着log out 这旋律让你上瘾 can’t lm>im>ve wm>im>thout 不管你怕不怕我只怕你会把我 crop out 所有人 fade out 记忆全black out 这是霸王色的...

罗艺恒 - be mm>im>ne

...behm>im>nd and be mm>im>ne! So walk away and spend a day wm>im>th me And hold a hand that wm>im>ll care for you, be there for you. When tm>im>mes get tough m>Im> wm>im>ll smooth out the rough. All m>Im> want m>im>s your smm>im>le cas m>Im> could never get enough Of you, m>Im> can see m>im>t so clear You and me together, no matter the weather, w...

歌手:罗艺恒 感谢 向阳坡上 分享
张学友 - Touch Of Love

... love our hearts And dreams can afford And when m>Im> thm>im>nk about you The hope that you've handed out m>Im> want to gm>im>ve back all m>Im> have And then some more But m>Im> 'm only human m>Im> can only do so much But all the mm>im>racles we need m>Im>s just one touch From me from you Helpm>im>ng someone who can't make m>im>t on them>im>r own...

歌手:张学友 专辑:Touch Of Love
任俊陶 - 字里行间(Feat. 林佩瑶)

...天都戴着面具生活 斟酌 是否拿掉面具就能 挣脱 m>Im>t’s not that sm>im>mple,反而戴上了更多 每天到底为了什麽一直在奔波 (sm>im>gh) 每天都在换面具 Can u love me? (look) 面具底下有面具 Can u trust me? (look) 脸上的笑容 不过只是一场骗局 舞台下面...

歌手:任俊陶 专辑:喜怒哀乐