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Mary See the Future - Crappy

...Future-Crappy There was no rule m>Im> won’t wake up early There was no rule that m>Im> had to workshm>im>p And m>Im> don’t care m>Im> don't care How dm>im>d m>Im> ever looks lm>im>ke a soldm>im>er There was no truth even m>im>f you speak frm>im>endly There was no truth though you treat me lm>im>ke a famm>im>ly And m>Im> would see Now m>Im> have seen How...

歌手:Mary See the Future 专辑:Yes, m>Im> Am
都市女孩合唱组 - Only love

...you锛噇l hanve a change of heart but m>im> can锛噒 make you see m>im>t through that锛噑 somethm>im>ng only love can do m>im>n you arms as the dawn m>im>s breakm>im>ng face to face and a thousand mm>im>les apart m>im>锛噕e trm>im>ed my best to make you see there锛噑 hope beyond the pam>im>n m>im>f we gm>im>ve enough - m>im>f we learn to trus...

歌手:都市女孩合唱组 专辑:都市女孩
US5 - Relax

...and Don’t try to crap our style Thm>im>s we can celebrate we’ve got that funky sound that dangers, can't escape Damn we got you shakm>im>ng lm>im>ke a tamburm>im>n come on pretty mama wanna make you scream Relax release Baby get on the floor we’re under pressure and we want m>im>t more releas...

歌手:US5 专辑:Around The World
同级生 - 一天一天

... Brought upon ram>im>n of cursm>im>ng pam>im>n The shadw upon us m>im>n thm>im>s vem>im>n and that m>im>f m>Im> could obtam>im>n But the prm>im>d can never abmm>im>t to shame Yet m>Im> (Yet m>Im>) deny (deny) can’t seem to lay what we had to dm>im>e And not a day passes me by crm>im>ed Tm>im>ll waterfalls dm>im>ssm>im>pate to dry Now m>Im> repent and rm>im>mm>im>nm>im>...

歌手:同级生 专辑:《同级生》
Norah Jones - The Prettm>im>est Thm>im>ng

...m dreamm>im>n’ agam>im>n Lm>im>ke m>Im>’ve always been Way down low m>Im> stm>im>ll know That the prettm>im>est thm>im>ng m>Im> ever dm>im>d see Was dusty as the handle on the door Rusty as a nam>im>l stuck m>im>n the ol’ pm>im>ne floor Looks lm>im>ke home to me Now m>Im>’m dreamm>im>n’ agam>im>n Lm>im>ke m>Im>’ve always been Way down low Thm>im>nkm>im>...

歌手:Norah Jones 专辑:Feels Lm>im>ke Home
Thm>im>s Beautm>im>ful Republm>im>c - Pam>im>n

...now where you have lam>im>d tonm>im>ght m>Im>’m just one step away tonm>im>ght Say that you need me, and m>Im> can gm>im>ve you everythm>im>ng your heart’s been cravm>im>ng ‘Cause once m>Im>’ve held your hand, m>Im> cannot stand, to see m>im>t wavm>im>ng goodbye Please don’t go Stay wm>im>th me Just stay wm>im>th me

歌手:Thm>im>s Beautm>im>ful Republm>im>c 专辑:Perceptm>im>ons
jessm>im>e j - Sorry To m>Im>nterrupt

... m>im>nterrupt m>Im>’m runnm>im>n' m>im>n, m>Im>’m comm>im>n', not afram>im>d Not tomorrow, need that today Gotta fm>im>nd another rule to break, all day, always To everybody who slept, crept, and left on me Slowed me down and came around and stepped on me My back m>im>s just what you get from me You don’t know me, move f...

歌手:jessm>im>e j 感谢 向阳坡上 分享
Tommy february6 - FAm>Im>RY DUST

...ALm>Im>BU CONVERTm>Im>BLE 歌∶Tommy february6 m>Im> know what you go through m>Im> know that m>Im> am trouble for Someone as good as you You make me feel so new When nothm>im>ng m>im>s enough You always make me feel lm>im>ke m>Im>’m a dm>im>amond m>im>n the rough When m>Im> am wm>im>th you Just take thm>im>s Fam>im>ry Dust Now you’re under my spell ...

歌手:Tommy february6 专辑:TOMMY CANDY SHOP SUGAR ME
沈洋 - Love Story

...do m>Im> begm>im>n to tell a story of how great a love can be the sweet love story that m>im>s older than the sea the sm>im>mple truth about the love she brm>im>ngs to me Where do m>Im> start Wm>im>th her fm>im>rst hello she gave a meanm>im>ng to thm>im>s empty world of mm>im>ne There\'d never be another love another tm>im>me She came m>im>nto my lm>im>f...

歌手:沈洋 专辑:重低音
Cm>im>morellm>im> - Made m>Im>n Amerm>im>ca

...hCause we're made m>im>n, made m>im>n, made m>im>n, m>im>n Amerm>im>cam>Im>t's trueBaby m>im>t's true (that's rm>im>ght)Cause we're made m>im>n, made m>im>n, made m>im>n, m>im>n Amerm>im>ca.m>Im> pledge allegm>im>ance to the home of the braveBlue jeans, ball caps and football gamesFm>im>reworks outsm>im>de on the Fourth of JulySummer nm>im>ght barbecue, brm>im>ng the apple ...

歌手:Cm>im>morellm>im> 专辑:Made m>Im>n Amerm>im>ca - EP
Vanessa Hudgens - Hook m>Im>t Up

...Everbody wants to have fun Brm>im>ng a couple o’ frm>im>ends and m>Im>’ll betcha That m>Im>’ll be hookm>im>ng up wm>im>th someone Cause m>Im>’m tm>im>red of all the boys Who don’t lm>im>ke to dance And m>im>f you don′t lm>im>ke to dance You don’t stand a chance, so Why you standm>im>ng m>im>n the corner Wm>im>th your arms all folded...

歌手:Vanessa Hudgens 专辑:m>Im>dentm>im>fm>im>ed
顺子 - Can't Get Enough


歌手:顺子 专辑:滚石香港黄金十年 顺子精选
Ed Sheeran - Galway Gm>im>rl

...ung so sweet Acapella m>im>n the bar usm>im>ng her feet for a beat Oh m>Im> could have that vom>im>ce playm>im>ng on repeat for a week And m>im>n thm>im>s packed out room, swear she was sm>im>ngm>im>ng to me She played the fm>im>ddle m>im>n an m>Im>rm>im>sh band But she fell m>im>n love wm>im>th an Englm>im>sh man Km>im>ssed her on the neck and then m>Im> took her by t...

歌手:Ed Sheeran 专辑:÷ (Deluxe)
Sweetbox - Km>im>llm>im>ng Me DJ

...l do m>im>t agam>im>n) Another mm>im>stake for me to lm>im>ve through but m>Im> already knew that heroes fall m>Im>f m>Im> could turn back tm>im>me m>Im> would do m>im>t agam>im>n Oh, m>Im>’d do m>im>t agam>im>n Km>im>llm>im>ng me DJ wm>im>th another sad song Km>im>llm>im>ng me DJ wm>im>th another sad love song ten feet under now sm>im>ngm>im>ng wow, wow... Just gm>im>ve me som...

歌手:Sweetbox 专辑:The Best Of Sweetbox 1995-2005 (新曲+超级精选)
黄莺莺 - Goodbye Gm>im>rl

...见女郎 gc66 All your lm>im>fe you've wam>im>ted for love toe and stay And now that m>Im> have found youyou must not slm>im>p away m>Im> know m>im>t's hard belm>im>evm>im>n' the words you've heard before but darlm>im>n' you must trust them just once more 'Cause m' baby goodbye doesn't mean forever let me tell you goodbye doesn't mea...

歌手:黄莺莺 专辑:似曾相识(西洋情歌精选)
Metallm>im>ca - loverman

...Loverman Sm>im>nce the world began Forever, Amen Tm>im>ll end of tm>im>me Take off that dress m>Im>m comm>im>ng down m>Im>m your loverman Cause m>Im> am what m>Im> am what m>Im> am what m>Im> am what m>Im> am L m>im>s for love, baby O m>im>s for only you that m>Im> do V m>im>s for lovm>im>ng vm>im>rtually all that you are E m>im>s for lovm>im>ng almost everythm>im>ng...

歌手:Metallm>im>ca 专辑:garage m>im>nc.
Emm>im>nem - JUST DON’T Gm>Im>VE A FUCK

... Emm>im>nem Slm>im>m Shady, bram>im>n dead lm>im>ke Jm>im>m Brady m>Im>'m a M80, you Lm>im>l' lm>im>ke that Km>im>m lady m>Im>'m buzzm>im>n, Dm>im>rty Dozen, naughty rotten rhymer Cursm>im>n at you players worse than Marty Schottenhem>im>mer You wacker than the motherfucker you bm>im>t your style from You am>im>n't gonna sell two copm>im>es m>im>f you press a do...

Jm>im>mmy Needham - Fm>im>refly

...t’s tulm>im>ps and m>im>t’s dam>im>sm>im>es Your favorm>im>te flowers lately You thm>im>nk that m>Im> am>im>n’t lm>im>stenm>im>ng, but you know m>Im> do Wm>im>th your two lm>im>ps on me baby My head starts gettm>im>ng dazey Don’t gm>im>ve me a flower What m>Im> want m>im>s you m>Im>t happened on the day you put your hand m>im>n mm>im>ne You went up to ...

歌手:Jm>im>mmy Needham 专辑:Not Wm>im>thout Love
Nelly - Party People (Feat. Fergm>im>e)

...dea and destroyed the desm>im>gn. m>Im> was patm>im>ently wam>im>tm>im>n & takm>im>n my tm>im>me Now that m>Im>'m here m>Im>'m gettm>im>n my shm>im>ne. All of you haters can km>im>ss a behm>im>nd, specm>im>fm>im>cally speakm>im>n m>Im>'m talkm>im>n bout mm>im>ne. Don't need you to tell me, m>Im> know that m>Im>'m fm>im>ne. m>Im>'m km>im>llm>im>n m>im>t baby so call m>im>t a crm>im>me. Yea you watch m>im>t ...

歌手:Nelly 专辑:6 Derrty Hm>im>ts
Julm>im>anne Hough - About Lm>im>fe

...ead ends, some bumps along the way Some never should’ve been boyfrm>im>ends that ended m>im>n heartache But m>Im> stm>im>ll try to see the brm>im>ghter sm>im>de What goes up don’t always come back down What goes around don’t always come around m>Im>’ve been down on my knees beggm>im>n’ the lord The devm>im>l’s been k...

歌手:Julm>im>anne Hough 专辑:Audm>im>o Daydream