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アルマカミニイト - 奇跡を望むなら... (Englm>im>sh versm>im>on)


歌手:アルマカミニイト 专辑:ALMA COVERS
Audm>im>oslave - Dandelm>im>on

...be A yellow flower wm>im>th your pedals to the am>im>r And flym>im>ng on paper wm>im>ngs that brought you here Summer rolls on m>im>n the lazy hours An ether dream way Of hummm>im>ngbm>im>rds and clouds Mm>im>dnm>im>ght swm>im>ms m>im>n the cool back waves And you m>im>n my arms as m>im>t rolls away Lm>im>ttle dandelm>im>on Let your heart keep tm>im>m...

歌手:Audm>im>oslave 专辑:Out Of Exm>im>le
Ashantm>im> - The Way That m>Im> Love You

Ashantm>im> - The Way That m>Im> Love You LRC by lzh ,from jm>im>angxm>im> pm>im>ngxm>im>ang @ www.lrcgc.com @ Now after all of thm>im>s tm>im>me that we trm>im>ed m>Im> found out we were lm>im>vm>im>ng a lm>im>e That after all of thm>im>s love that we made m>Im> found out You don’t love me the same The way that m>Im> love The way that m>Im> lo...

歌手:Ashantm>im> 专辑:The Declaratm>im>on
Baysm>im>de - Howard

...or you and all our frm>im>ends agree Howard my dear was m>im>t fm>im>lms and planes that made you thm>im>s way Howard my dear they spoke and we’re jokes Howard you’re a 10 but m>Im>’m not sure thm>im>s ends well Hold m>im>t close to your heart What ever happened to Howard Hughes? m>Im> guess lm>im>fe wasn’t good to you...

歌手:Baysm>im>de 专辑:Shudder
Young Money - Gm>im>rl m>Im> Got You

...mm>im>n Escapade m>im>n the lot wm>im>t Escalade on the back Ya homm>im>es wack m>Im> promm>im>se that m>Im>t am>im>n't trm>im>ckm>im>n m>im>f you got m>im>t mm>im>ght as well spend a stack m>Im> hm>im>t the mall and ball down call me Mr. Steven Jackson And m>Im>'m the one and m>Im> won wm>im>th no games played Never have to work m>im>n our lm>im>fe day we got m>im>t made Eve...

歌手:Young Money 专辑:We Are Young Money
The Summer Set - Heart On the Floor

...key on the backm>Im> dm>im>dn’t know why you were along, but you am>im>n’t leadm>im>ng that awaym>Im> threw back one whole drm>im>nk before m>Im> asked your nameAnd m>Im> sam>im>d hey, hey, why you actm>im>ng so sorry?Hey, hey, who put that look on your face?And m>Im> don’t wanna leave thm>im>s bar untm>im>l m>Im> get your numberAnd m>im>f m>Im>’m bem>im>ng ...

歌手:The Summer Set 专辑:Legendary
Jazmm>im>ne Sullm>im>van - Call Me Gum>im>lty

....com @ m>Im>'m sm>im>ttm>im>ng contemplatm>im>ng m>im>s m>im>t worth m>im>t should m>Im> take m>im>t Take that shot and change my lm>im>fe Get that glock and take hm>im>s lm>im>fe Hospm>im>tals and bloody noses thm>im>s would end all obstacles that m>Im> could leave. Knowm>im>ng m>Im> can’t leave so m>im>t’s em>im>ther hm>im>m or me Cause he gon' km>im>ll me m>im>f m>Im> sta...

歌手:Jazmm>im>ne Sullm>im>van 专辑:Fearless
Gareth Gates - Good Thm>im>ng

...turn the tables on my whole world baby you take away all the heartache that love gave me cant you see what you´ve done m>im>n my lm>im>fe and let that pure connectm>im>on change my whole perceptm>im>on you´re the fuel m>im>n my fm>im>re, my fever runs hm>im>gh got me scared of desm>im>re ...

歌手:Gareth Gates 专辑:What My Heart Wants To Say
Lene Marlm>im>n - When You Where Around

... ways And m>im>t felt so safe And m>Im> was glad But now somethm>im>ng’s changed That makes me sad And m>Im>, was wam>im>tm>im>ng patm>im>ently But you never came m>Im> realm>im>ze m>im>t now Won’t ever be the same… agam>im>n m>Im>f you’re dom>im>ng fm>im>ne m>Im> don’t know You see, m>Im> gave up callm>im>ng Long tm>im>me ago Haven’t heard from...

歌手:Lene Marlm>im>n 专辑:Lost m>Im>n A Moment
Brad Pam>im>sley - m>Im>t Dm>im>d

...the place closed down then we took a long walk down on the beach Her and that whm>im>te dress and her bare feet we stopped and we watched that lm>im>ght house lm>im>ght m>Im> pulled her close and m>im> held on tm>im>ght and m>Im> sam>im>d to myself m>im>t doesn’t get better than thm>im>s no m>im>t doesn’t get better than thm>im>s ...

歌手:Brad Pam>im>sley 专辑:5th Gear
Metallm>im>ca - Devm>im>l's Dance

...ah, m>Im> feel you too Feel, those thm>im>ngs you do m>Im>n your eyes m>Im> see a fm>im>re that burns To free the you That's wantm>im>ng through Deep m>im>nsm>im>de you know, The seeds m>Im> plant wm>im>ll grow One day you wm>im>ll see And dare to come down to me Yeah c'mon, c'mon now take the chance That's rm>im>ght Lets ...

歌手:Metallm>im>ca 专辑:S&M
The Lonely m>Im>sland - You've Got the Look

...kes me wanna scream and shout, yeah yeah yeah.Damn, gm>im>rl – you rockm>im>n’ that thm>im>ng.Wm>im>th no support, just watchm>im>ng m>im>t swm>im>ng.May be a mm>im>stake, but now she just ownm>im>ng m>im>t;“Ay carumba! ” tm>im>tty gm>im>rl, you Matt Groenm>im>ng m>im>t..m>Im> lm>im>ke to thm>im>nk you been lookm>im>ng m>im>n the mm>im>rror,Sam>im>d to yourself “somethm>im>ng...

歌手:The Lonely m>Im>sland 专辑:The Wack Album
T.M.Revolutm>im>on - CHASE/THE THRm>Im>LL

...e on belm>im>eve m>im>n me Chase the mornm>im>ng, fm>im>nd the dream Racm>im>ng at a speed that you won't belm>im>eve Feel the thrm>im>ll of the wm>im>nd m>im>n your ham>im>r m>Im> feel the energy now you are here wm>im>th me Chase the mornm>im>ng, sem>im>ze the dream Push m>im>t to the lm>im>mm>im>t, we are runnm>im>ng free Feel the thrm>im>ll of the wm>im>nd m>im>n your ...

歌手:T.M.Revolutm>im>on 专辑:Vertm>im>cal m>Im>nfm>im>nm>im>ty
Jenny Lewm>im>s - Black Sand

...on the old army base back m>im>n Tham>im>land Who’s gom>im>ng to love hm>im>m, when all that’s lost m>im>s found? Oh, on the black sand On the black sand... m>Im> have thm>im>s dream where m>Im>’m down on my knees on the black sand m>Im>’m facm>im>ng the sea as the wm>im>nd pushes me down to my hands Who’s gom>im>ng to mm>im>nd, w...

歌手:Jenny Lewm>im>s 专辑:Acm>im>d Tongue
BoA - UNm>Im>VERSE feat. Crystal Kay & VERBAL (m-flo)

...love you m>Im> want you m>Im>t's Borderless Musm>im>c m>im>s playm>im>n' m>im>n the am>im>r, Lm>im>ke that How your feelm>im>ng baby? Shall we dance? そこにあるSound m>im>s good Yes, m>Im>t sounds real good We get m>im>t on hm>im>gh, We makm>im>n clap 新世界Pump m>im>t up

歌手:BoA 专辑:永遠
BoA - UNm>Im>VERSE feat. Crystal Kay & VERBAL (m-flo)

...love you m>Im> want you m>Im>t's Borderless Musm>im>c m>im>s playm>im>n' m>im>n the am>im>r, Lm>im>ke that How your feelm>im>ng baby? Shall we dance? そこにあるSound m>im>s good Yes, m>Im>t sounds real good We get m>im>t on hm>im>gh, We makm>im>n clap 新世界Pump m>im>t up

歌手:BoA 专辑:永遠
尚雯婕 - 凯旋

...源 制作 m>Im>’ve conquered m>Im>’ve suffered Now m>Im>’m back m>im>n here m>Im> wm>im>sh that lm>im>fe could change m>Im>t could have been A dm>im>fferent way When you’re m>im>n the dark You feel the pam>im>n You count the days Stm>im>ll no way to escape m>Im>n the tunnel Never lose your heart Never lose your fam>im>th Never lose your way Hold...

歌手:尚雯婕 专辑:最后的赞歌
Jonas Brothers - You Just Don’t Know m>Im>t

...ne You just don;t know m>im>t Oh, you won;t see me break Won;t make that mm>im>stake Oh no m>Im>;ll just walk away There too much at stake rm>im>ght now m>Im> go on and on Sm>im>ngm>im>ng thm>im>s song about you And that;s what;s wrong wm>im>th thm>im>s song Can you feel m>im>t? m>Im>n the way m>Im> look at you ...

歌手:Jonas Brothers 专辑:m>Im>t's about Tm>im>me
Toby Kem>im>th - Tm>im>me That m>Im>t Would Take

Toby Kem>im>th - Tm>im>me That m>Im>t Would Take www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 Forget about my crazy days Forget about my checkered past What’s all thm>im>s m>im>nterrogatm>im>n’? Baby, forget about that You don’t want to ask no questm>im>ons You don’t know the answers to You mm>im>ght wm>im>sh that m>Im> was ...

歌手:Toby Kem>im>th 专辑:That Don't Make Me A Bad Guy
Baysm>im>de - The Ghost of St. Valentm>im>ne

...om @ Oh pam>im>n, m>Im>’m dom>im>ng bad m>Im>’m gettm>im>ng answers to some questm>im>ons that m>Im> never should have asked And m>im>t’s gettm>im>ng old; m>im>t’s decomposm>im>ng fast Just when m>Im> thought m>im>t couldn’t get much worse, lm>im>fe stabbed me m>im>n the back. m>Im>’d rather face the gallows because nothm>im>ng matters and m>Im>’...

歌手:Baysm>im>de 专辑:Shudder