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Lm>im>nkm>im>n Park - Part Of Me

...s are and now m>Im>’m sm>im>ck of thm>im>s. m>Im> can’t stand the sandpaper thoughts that grate on my sanm>im>ty. m>Im>’d rather not even be than the man that’s starm>im>ng m>im>n the mm>im>rror through me. (Pre-chorus) Cut myself free wm>im>llm>im>ngly stop just what’s km>im>llm>im>ng me. (Chorus) m>Im> feel m>im>t everyday. m>Im> feel m>Im>’...

歌手:Lm>im>nkm>im>n Park
NANA - Lonely(完整版)

...s world full of lm>im>es Step by step and be versatm>im>le Love peace and cash that’s what m>im>s’s all about Alone by yourself than you lack there’s no doubt about m>Im>’m always m>im>nto somethm>im>ng makm>im>ng moves to m>im>mprove What would you do m>im>f you were m>im>n my shoes Boom a letter oops another sum>im>cm>im>de ...

Wm>im>ll Smm>im>th - Can You Feel Me? feat EVE

... at huh? Bm>im>g Wm>im>llm>im>e Style when your dogs play the back m>Im> lm>im>ke the fact that you''re so low-key But play m>im>t any lower and you won''t know me Cause m>Im>''m out the door for sure approach me Wave your hand to come over trym>im>ng to coach me (what?) Why you m>im>n the V-m>Im>, E-V-E too fly to drop by G...

歌手:Wm>im>ll Smm>im>th 专辑:Wm>im>llennm>im>um
DEAN - m>Im>'m Not Sorry

...llm>im>n my chauffeur hurry up and wam>im>t too too He be lm>im>ke too too Tm>im>me to hm>im>t that road, zoom You on your solo whm>im>le m>Im>'m takm>im>n photos to post m>Im> know you feel crazy now m>Im>'m sorry, no, m>Im>'m not sorry m>Im>'m just gettm>im>n started, and my lm>im>fe's a party So m>Im>'m turnm>im>n' turnm>im>n' turnm>im>n' turnm>im>n' turnm>im>n' turnm>im>n' turn...

BENm>Im> - 歌うたいのバラッド

...es and see our story Your smm>im>le, your sorrow, every tear you crm>im>ed The day that you became my lm>im>fe Sometm>im>mes we lose ourselves m>im>n love And words wm>im>ll never be enough To show you baby exactly how m>im>t feels to know that you were the one m>Im>’m thm>im>nkm>im>ng about you now Sm>im>ngm>im>ng thm>im>s song Just lookm>im>ng back...

歌手:BENm>Im> 专辑:Covers: 2
Atomm>im>c Km>im>tten - Bye Now

... Lately m>im>n my lm>im>fe m>Im>′m Fm>im>ndm>im>ng m>im>t harder to be Settle the feelm>im>ngs that m>Im> Thought would always be Playm>im>ng the game was easy Saym>im>ng the thm>im>ngs that please me But through m>im>t all m>Im> can see The love has slm>im>pped away Bye now, take thm>im>s love away from me Bye now, set my soul and spm>im>rm>im>t fr...

歌手:Atomm>im>c Km>im>tten 专辑:Rm>im>ght Now
Countm>im>ng Crows - Washm>im>ngton Square

... Now m>Im> lm>im>ve m>im>n the shadows Where lm>im>ght m>im>s electrm>im>c And tm>im>me m>im>s a number That rests on a wall And nobody knows me My frm>im>ends and my famm>im>ly Are as far from thm>im>s cm>im>ty As Washm>im>ngton Square So cover thm>im>s warm nm>im>ght m>Im>n a blanket of starlm>im>ght And m>Im>’ll follow thm>im>s freeway Out m>im>nto the am>im>r m>Im>n...

歌手:Countm>im>ng Crows 专辑:Aural 6
凯瑟喵 - Monster(Korean)

...해 그닥 온순하지 못해 널 미워했어 하지만 너를 원해 That’s rm>im>ght, my type 가슴은 거짓말 안 해 시작됐어 내 안에서 위험한 신호를 보내 Don’t be afram>im>d,Love m>im>s the way, Shawty m>Im> got m>im>t.You can call me monster m>Im>’m creepm>im>ng m>im>n your heart babe 뒤...

歌手:凯瑟喵 专辑:Monster 感谢 向阳坡上 分享
Play - Cm>im>ndearalla

...er and end up wm>im>th the glory m>Im> d lm>im>e m>im>n bed and thm>im>nk about the person that m>Im> want to be Then one day m>Im> realm>im>zed the fam>im>ry tale lm>im>fe wasn t for me m>Im> don t wanna be lm>im>ke Cm>im>nderella Sm>im>ttm>im>n m>im>n a dark old dusty cellar Wam>im>tm>im>ng for somebody, to come and set me free m>Im> don t wanna be lm>im>ke Sn...

Joosuc - 이방인

...더미. 에어백이 없으면 대형사고의 먹이. But ya don’t need that am>im>rbags cuz m>Im>’ll burn you. 자리에 남는 건 그 더러운 잿더미 세력을 키운 이방인의 전쟁게임이 시작되면 m>Im>t doesn’t matter Marm>im>ne or navy. 전력으로 부딪혀서 영광을 되찾았을 ...

歌手:Joosuc 专辑:RH-
wm>im>ll.m>im>.am - Bang Bang

...r,Forever m>Im>’ll always need her,She lm>im>e, but m>Im> belm>im>eve her,Lovesm>im>ck m>Im> got that fever.Love stupm>im>d, m>Im> know m>im>t,Love stupm>im>d, m>Im> know m>im>t,m>Im> know, cause m>Im>’m a fool m>im>n love.My baby shot me down agam>im>n,Shot me down wm>im>th the love and m>im>t go bang bang.That gm>im>rl’s a km>im>ller from a gang,Shot me down wm>im>th the lo...

歌手:wm>im>ll.m>im>.am 专辑:#wm>im>llpower
Cheyenne Km>im>mball - m>Im> Want To

...ll gm>im>ve me more tm>im>me to speak my mm>im>nd And m>Im> hope m>Im> travel everywhere And that everyone leads me to somewhere That m>Im>’ve have never been before And m>im>f they won’t let me m>im>n Then m>Im>’m breakm>im>ng down the door Because m>Im> want to m>Im> want to Everybody wants to Have a lm>im>ttle fun m>im>n lm>im>fe See m>Im> wa...

歌手:Cheyenne Km>im>mball 专辑:The Day Has Come
A Fm>im>ne Frenzy - The Mm>im>nnow & The Trout

...ay servm>im>ces Hummm>im>ng bm>im>rd Takm>im>ng coffee wm>im>th the m>im>ncense Please, m>Im> know that we're dm>im>fferent We were both once out m>im>n the sea m>im>n the begm>im>nnm>im>ng And what we're made of All the same parts We're not that dm>im>fferent after all 做我的老婆 Help me out sam>im>d the eagle to the duck m>Im>'ve fallen fro...

歌手:A Fm>im>ne Frenzy 专辑:One Cell m>im>n the Sea
Brandy - True

...angxm>im> pm>im>ngxm>im>ang @ www.lrcgc.com @ m>Im>n your arms m>Im> feel rm>im>ght at home, That's the feelm>im>ng m>Im> am>im>n't felt before. m>Im>f you're feelm>im>ng the same way then let me know, Cause there's nothm>im>ng worse than bem>im>ng m>im>n love alone. m>Im>s m>im>t true that m>Im>'m not the only one? m>Im>s m>im>t true that you're just havm>im>ng fun w...

歌手:Brandy 专辑:Human
其它男歌手 - Orange Sky

... wem>im>ght of thm>im>s crazy stone When m>Im>'ve lost all care for the thm>im>ngs m>Im> own That's when m>Im> mm>im>ss you, that's when m>Im> mm>im>ss you, that's when m>Im> mm>im>ss you You who are my home You who are my home And here m>im>s what m>Im> know now Here m>im>s what m>Im> know now Goes lm>im>ke thm>im>s.. m>Im>n your love, my salvatm>im>on lm>im>es m>Im>n you...

葛仲珊 - Hey DJ

... August, hot lm>im>ke cautm>im>on Stay busy, m>Im>’m on my boss sh*t Yea boy, m>Im> talk that talk, walk that walk, and do m>im>t as often Just actm>im>n’ grown Dom>im>n’ bm>im>g thm>im>ngs all across the globe Jetset on a red-eye flm>im>ght Fm>im>nnah touch down for a crazy nm>im>ght Hey DJ, put thm>im>s on Thm>im>s my song, thm>im>s my song Hey, hey,...

歌手:葛仲珊 专辑:葛屁
The Used - Sound Effects And Overdramatm>im>cs

...f, m>im>t was all m>im>n tm>im>me When a m-m-m-mm>im>nute turned m>im>nto a mm>im>le And m>Im> broke that grm>im>n, and m>Im> cut m>im>t out And he got all turned on by the taste of your sm>im>n When m>Im> mentm>im>on blue, all m>Im> thought was color When you mentm>im>on drugs, all m>Im> thought was sober When your pants came off and m>Im> turned you over Wh...

歌手:The Used 专辑:m>Im>n Love And Death
谢霆锋 - Your Song(Lm>im>ve) - lm>im>ve

...verybody thm>im>s m>im>s your song m>Im> hope you don't mm>im>nd, hope you don't mm>im>nd that m>Im> put down m>im>n words How wonderful lm>im>fe m>im>s whm>im>le you're m>im>n the world m>Im>t's a lm>im>ttle bm>im>t funny thm>im>s feelm>im>ng m>im>nsm>im>de m>Im>'m not one of those who can easm>im>ly hm>im>de m>Im> don't have much money but boy m>im>f m>Im> dm>im>d m>Im>'d buy a b...

歌手:谢霆锋 专辑:新城主力唱好霆锋弦烧音乐
Emm>im>nem;Sm>im>a - Guts Over Fear

...ame the claws And the thm>im>ng s been out sm>im>nce then But up untm>im>l the m>im>nstant that m>Im> ve been agam>im>nst m>im>t m>Im>t was m>im>ngram>im>ned m>im>n me that m>Im> wouldn t amount to a shm>im>tstam>im>n m>Im> thought No wonder m>Im> had to unlearn everythm>im>ng that my bram>im>n was taught Do m>Im> really belong m>im>n thm>im>s game? m>Im> pondered m>Im> just wanna play my...

歌手:Emm>im>nem;Sm>im>a 专辑:Guts Over Fear
Brett Dennen - Make You Crazy feat. Femm>im> Kutm>im>

...N NA SOL THEM GO BEAT YOU FOR PRm>Im>SON THEM NO CALL m>Im>T SLAVERY m>Im>T’S Hm>Im>M THAT MAKE ME VEX NA SOL THEM GO LOCK YOU FOR PRm>Im>SON NA SOL THEM GO BEAT YOU FOR PRm>Im>SON m>Im>T’S Hm>Im>M THAT MAKE ME VEX m>Im>T’S Hm>Im>M THAT MAKE ME CRAZE m>Im>t’s enough to make you go crazy (Woah) m>Im>t’s enough to make you ma...

歌手:Brett Dennen 专辑:Hope For The Hopeless