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Donna Summer - Stamp Your Feet

Donna Summer - Stamp Your Feet www.lrcgc.com 活在当下 制作 S-T-A-M-P Stampm>im>n' on the ground S-T-A-M-P Stampm>im>n' on the ground S-T-A-M-P Stampm>im>n' on the ground S-T-A-M-P Stampm>im>n' on the ground Woah, yeah.... m>Im>'ve been round so many tm>im>mes before Broke my back, been splm>im>t ...

歌手:Donna Summer 专辑:Re-Arrange Us
李玟 - magm>im>c words 爱情密语

CoCo Lee-Magm>im>c Words 爱情密语 Lac:aranlz m>Im> want you to come to me When you’re feelm>im>ng down. Knowm>im>ng m>Im> can count on you durm>im>ng hard tm>im>mes. We wm>im>ll fm>im>nd a way but m>im>t won’t come easy. When the yearnm>im>ng fades away Do we wanna stay for you? Trym>im>ng to be strong for you Lm>im>ke...

歌手:李玟 专辑:Exposed
Beyonce Knowles - That's How You Lm>im>ke m>Im>t

That’s How You Lm>im>ke m>Im>t, huh That’s How You Lm>im>ke m>Im>t, huh That’s How You Lm>im>ke m>Im>t, huh That’s How m>Im> Lm>im>ke m>Im>t, m>babym> m>Im> need a thug that’ll have my back Do-rag, Nm>im>ke Am>im>rs to match Am>im>n’t nothm>im>n’ wrong wm>im>th that That’s how m>Im> lm>im>ke m>im>t, m>babym> Where my thugs at? Whm>im>te T-Shm>im>rt,...

歌手:Beyonce Knowles 专辑:Dangerously m>Im>n Love
E-Gm>im>rls - Follow Me

「Follow Me」 作詞∶Shoko Fujm>im>bayashm>im> 作曲∶Jam9/ArmySlm>im>ck 歌∶E-Gm>im>rls 高いビルの 展望台のぼって 君と ふたり (We can fly Don’t you thm>im>nk so? Hey) 広い空と 小さく見える街 ドキドキ しちゃう (m>Im> don’t know why my heartbeat m>im>s too fast) これから...

歌手:E-Gm>im>rls 专辑:Follow Me
Jessm>im>ca Sm>im>mpson - Wm>im>th You

Ha, Ha, ahhh, Ha, Ha, ahhh The real me m>im>s a southern gm>im>rl wm>im>th her Levm>im>s on and an open heart Wm>im>sh m>Im> could save the world, lm>im>ke m>Im> was super gm>im>rl The real me m>im>s to laugh all nm>im>ght lym>im>ng m>im>n the grass just talkm>im>ng about love But lately m>Im>'ve been jaded lm>im>fe got so complm>im>cated m>Im> start thm>im>n...

歌手:Jessm>im>ca Sm>im>mpson 专辑:m>Im>n Thm>im>s Skm>im>n
N’Sync - m>Im>f m>Im>’m Not The One

========================================== Take your tm>im>me to fm>im>gure out (Yeah) m>Im>'m starm>im>n' at your pm>im>cture every nm>im>ght The scent of you stm>im>ll lm>im>ngers m>im>n my mm>im>nd m>Im> wonder m>im>f you'll only feel alrm>im>ght And the sun has come out of the clouds And some tm>im>mes when m>Im> lm>im>sten to our song {To ...


m>Im>’M m>Im>N LOVE 눈에 콩깍지 씌었어 BABE m>Im>’M m>Im>N LOVE nune kongkkagjm>im> ssum>im>eosseo BABE m>Im>'M m>Im>N LOVE 情人眼裡出西施BABE 하의 실종에 흰 와이셔츠 BABE haum>im> sm>im>ljonge hum>im>n wam>im>syeocheu BABE 下衣失踪白色襯衫 bae bae 사람이야 천사야 OH JESUS BABE saramm>im>ya cheon...

歌手:Bm>Im>GBANG 专辑:MADE 感谢 琳木寒天 分享
AP满人 - Leavm>im>ng

就在今年我要离开家 放下所有牵挂我要离开他 家中的姐弟年迈的爸妈 多年的战友深爱的他她 我感谢他们能够原谅我 其实心中deep down跟 他们一样难过 临走前跟哥们喝的那最后那一晚 我强忍着不让泪水跟着自己离涣 你说外面...

歌手:AP满人 专辑:嘻哈世界
杜德伟 - My Gm>im>rl

My Gm>im>rl》 √Edm>im>ted By CrazyXP√ m>Im>\'ve got sunshm>im>ne on a cloudy day And when m>im>t\'s cold outsm>im>de m>Im>\'ve got the month of May m>Im> guess you\'ll say What can make me feel thm>im>s way? My gm>im>rl, m>Im>\'m talkm>im>n\' \'bout my gm>im>rl m>Im>\'ve got so much honey the bees envy me m>Im>\'ve got a sweeter song than the bm>im>rds...

歌手:杜德伟 专辑:The One You Love
Marm>im>ah Carey - Melt Away

You come to me wm>im>th a casual flow And suddenly, my defences start to go When you talk to me m>im>n that sensual tone m>Im>t envelops me and m>Im> lose my self control And m>babym>, m>Im> just melt away Fall lm>im>ke ram>im>n Everytm>im>me m>Im> see your face, m>Im> go off m>Im> just want to break m>im>t down Anytm>im>me ...

歌手:Marm>im>ah Carey 专辑:Daydream
黄莺莺 - Paradm>im>se m>Im>n My Heart

Paradm>im>se m>Im>n My Heart 黄莺莺 谨以此首歌献给我此生热爱的结发仙妻 Wm>im>th all the love you gm>im>ve me m>Im>'d lay down and dm>im>e m>Im>t's all m>Im> ever wanted m>Im>’m more then satm>im>sfm>im>ed But m>babym> thm>im>s m>im>s qum>im>te enough The lovm>im>ng's gonna have to stop m>Im> need a lm>im>ttle tm>im>me to work out m>im>n my mm>im>nd our lov...

歌手:黄莺莺 专辑:似曾相识(西洋情歌精选)
S.B.D.W - 哈啦

Put your arms around me tm>im>ght And let me gm>im>ve you all that we mm>im>ss m>Im> hope you're feelm>im>ng the way m>Im> do Gm>im>rl m>Im> need you, just gm>im>ve me all your love Come close to me m>Im>'m lookm>im>ng to feelm>im>ng so much alm>im>ve, feelm>im>ng so good m>im>nsm>im>de sexy woman, sexy gm>im>rl You really got me comm>im>ng off the ground 一起哈...

歌手:S.B.D.W 专辑:完全占有
Take That - Today m>Im>'ve Lost You

Take That - Today m>Im>'ve Lost You (Prevm>im>ously Unreleased) www.lrcgc.com ★ 制作 Drm>im>vm>im>ng home m>im>n my car, nearly mm>im>dnm>im>ght Ram>im>n on the road m>im>n my vm>im>ew Holdm>im>ng my heart, m>im>t’s the fm>im>rst nm>im>ght wm>im>thout you On my clothes m>Im> stm>im>ll smell your perfume Should hav...

歌手:Take That 专辑:Never Forget (The Ultm>im>mate Collectm>im>on)

歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.comThe party tonm>im>ght 準備alrm>im>ght nowTuxedo wm>im>th my gm>im>rl my gm>im>rl (oh m>babym> my SJ)Tuxedo wm>im>th my gm>im>rl my gm>im>rl (check m>im>t up)あと30分later 迎えに行くよ 空にsm>im>lver moon僕のプリンセス 君をエスコート 今夜はparadm>im>se世界中が敵でもいい (敵でもい...

歌手:SUPER JUNm>Im>OR 专辑:Hero
苏醒 - m>Im> Wm>im>ll Be There For You

苏醒 - m>Im> Wm>im>ll Be There For You 作曲:苏醒 作词:马丁 歌词同步专家: m>Babym> m>Im> know that when you were lookm>im>ng through my eyes m>Im>t was over then the pedals had wm>im>thered m>Babym> m>Im> know you there m>im>s nothm>im>ng you can explam>im>n You t...

歌手:苏醒 专辑:进行时
Bloc Party - Zephyrus

Bloc Party - Zephyrus www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 Backwards, forwards but makm>im>ng no ground at all Standm>im>ng m>im>n the cm>im>ty wm>im>th the clocks countm>im>ng one And your face m>im>s stm>im>ll wet from the fm>im>ght before As your tears hm>im>t the ground blue flowers sprm>im>ng from them m>Babym> m>Im>’m ashamed of...

歌手:Bloc Party 专辑:m>Im>ntm>im>macy
方大同 - Sm>im>ngalongsong(Lm>im>ve) - lm>im>ve

m>Im> wrote thm>im>s song m>Im>t’s not too long Cos' m>im>’v been thm>im>nkm>im>ng about you m>Im> wrote thm>im>s song Maybe m>Im>’m wrong to be caught up about you Well, m>im> don’t know what you thm>im>nk about me Maybe you thm>im>nk nothm>im>ng at all But maybe you could just lm>im>e to me And we could be m>im>n love, you see Oh, m>im>t's sm>im>ngalong ...

歌手:方大同 专辑:15 香港演唱会(2011Lm>im>ve)
EXO-M - m>Babym>, Don't Cry

m>Babym>, Don't Cry 演唱:EXO M ---歌词编辑:天若有情--- QQ:7 5 8 5 5 4 8 6 2 你就别再犹豫了好吗 就请拿出我的心脏 那像一道很刺眼的光芒 连夜的月光 把眼睛关上 如果不是我 是别的男人 如果 只是喜剧里面的一句话 ...

歌手:EXO-M 感谢 心灵之窗志华 分享
Santana - Wm>im>shm>im>ng m>Im>t Was

Wm>im>shm>im>ng m>Im>t Was Beauty and grace m>im>s what touches me most Good tm>im>me can put me m>im>n fear Always feel safe when thm>im>ngs are bad So m>Im> cannot let you come near m>Im>t seems that m>Im> thrm>im>ve on the dark sm>im>de of thm>im>ngs m>Im> always feel alm>im>ve when the death bell rm>im>ngs Now you have come and brm>im>ng out the tears m>im>...

汪妤凌 - Game Over

game over Monm>im>ca, Uptown, Yeah m>Im>t’s over m>babym> you got Cat on the track Yeah, check m>im>t out (Hmm...Thm>im>s game m>im>s over, Hey!) Hey boy 你就要离开 剩什么交代 不做你的小可爱 等你来安排 你的Show早被拆穿 别自命不凡 Thm>im>s love am>im>n’t gom>im>ng nowhere boy why Don’t you ...

歌手:汪妤凌 专辑:Mm>im>ss Cat