... which one'll swerve first Two blind bandits panic, whose mental capacity holds That of a globe on top of nine other planets Kissed the cheek of the devil Intelligence level is hell-ier than treble peakin on speakers in the ghetto Dismissal, I'm not a fair man, disgraced the race of a atheist ...
歌手:Eminem 专辑:The Slim Shady... like) You love it, I love it, too, 'cause you my type (you my type) You hold me down and I protect you with my life (my life) I don't wanna touch you, I don't wanna be Just another ex-love you don’t wanna see I don’t wanna miss you (I don't wanna miss you) Like the other girls do I don...
歌手:Taylor Swift 专辑:reputation 感谢 D.J. 分享...ll always be more than ready to start a war each day,hour,and second,gotta hold on to your weapon and if they kill you first,die a hero go to heaven some fight for more power and some fight for equality killing each other for money,resources ,and territories i've seen the barrel of guns and they too...
歌手:铁竹堂 专辑:铁竹堂同名专辑...uch is the sound of sorry Without the shy report or the grips that could hold you down (just when things were looking up you act just like a horse's butt) Everything was simple but the body's worn Got the life spread on the ground (Powder pink and general, the kitchen sink, a funeral) Ever...
歌手:Morcheeba 专辑:Charango...orld) So baby I can take you (all around the world) I roll up, this is a hold up It's young money man, shorty made me smile When ain't a damn thing funny He heh, but still don't nothin' move but the money So baby if I move then we move with the money Which is my favorite dish But if I taste ...
歌手:Lloyd 专辑:Lessons In Love...ome & barely knows his own daughter.回到家几乎不认识女儿。 But hold Ur nose cuz here goes the cold water.屏住呼吸吧,我要给你泼冷水。 His bosses don't want him no mo,He's cold product.他的激情不容冷却,他是冰凉产物。 They moved on 2 the next schmoe who flows....
歌手:Eminem 专辑:The Hits And Unreleased Volume 1